Saturday, January 10, 2009

Horoscope year 2009 - Pisces

2009 Pisces General: 2009 is a very promising year, since efforts and work done in the last two years will all bear fruits this year.You will be in a changed mental position between January and April 2009. There would be a sudden rise in gains, social activity, association with friends and celebration. In between all these activities you will find your thinking would turn unorthodox and could create problems in focusing on matters at hand.

Most of these changes would be felt only by you and it would not be apparent to people around you. It would therefore be better to avoid making your thoughts open and further not take a stand on issues as such. You should continue working on increasing your gains and avoid diluting your thoughts as such. Beyond May 2009 a dip in your mental and physical health could be felt. There could be times that you feel isolated and low on confidence during this time. Worry and anxiousness on this account could be felt more after 16th June 2009. You will find a closure and stop of this trend after August 2009 commences.

You will see better prospective gains and progress beyond August 2009 till 20th December 2009. Chances of a new relationship possible this year, while a celebration in the family would come about too. It is a year when hard work would be rewarded in direct proportion to the efforts put in, there will be gains till end August 2009 in good proportion. Sudden unexpected events in career could modify the overall trend between January 2009 and 17th May 2009. We will advice you against making a move or a change in career during this time period. Further beyond 10th September 2009, a new phase in relationship and joint areas of life would come. If in a partnership or in a marriage, you will find increase in separative thinking. Distances both mental and physical could build up. If married, temperament of spouse could create issues. September 2009 onwards a period of caution.

Family life will be positive between January 2009 and April 2009 and thereafter beyond August 2009. You will find a positive period mostly, except during March 2009 and April 2009 when some distances could build up. Extended family could see misunderstanding and distances after November 2009 commences. Career will see some unexpected and unplanned changes after November 2009 too.

Money matters would be positive mostly. There will be gains, both from regular as well as new sources. A slowdown could come between 8th March 2009 and 14th April 2009 and also between May and July 2009. Income will be good mostly till 20th December 2009. Investment should be handled with utmost caution. There would be chance of incorrect decisions and losses on that account. Speculation should be avoided strictly during March 2009 and beyond 6th October 2009. The year will open very positively. Hurdles could however increase in the last quarter. We will suggest remedies for the period beyond September 2009.

2009 Love / Marriage: Love as well as marriage matters would not be in much of a focus this year till October 2009 commences. You will be in a very social and outgoing mood; which will bring some friendships bordering on romance between January and April 2009. Negative thinking in relationships would prevail till October 2009 and could create issues in a stable outlook mostly. If unattached, you will be in a confused stick of mind due to too many options and at the same time not enough conviction in the person who you come across. This unsettled phase will operate till October 2009 and with lower intensity between May and July 2009. Better and stable opportunity between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, will be exciting in love/ social matters.

Besides July, September and December 2009 will be good. If in a relationship, you will find trouble connecting mentally till October 2009 end. Further controversy could prevail after 6th October 2009 with anger and aggression from 21st December 2009. Besides the above trend, there will be positive trends but with an element of skepticism and mental disconnect till 31st October 2009. If married, the year will be exciting and positive between January and April 2009 and further between August and 20th December 2009.

Some unsteady trends due to temperament of spouse and your mutual rapport could come during January, May and September 2009. September 2009 could be particularly difficult. October 2009 onwards marriage matters could be difficult and spouse could be aloof and distant. Further, physical and mental distances possible. Not an easy phase after September 2009. Unmarried people might not get much of an opportunity for marriage this year. 2009 Pisces Career Horoscope : 2009 will be a very positive year for career. The success & gains made now would be a benchmark for the next few years.

There will be exceptional gains in career due to the high level of hard work & efforts put in by you. In between the period, May & July could be slow & somewhat difficult since your position as well as general speed of progress could dip during this time. 16th June 2009 onwards will experience rethinking and use some bold iniatives which will pull up the progress in career up back again from August. Career will experience a problem of abundance after 3rd November 2009 since there would be a sudden rise in new options & opportunities. It would be useful to take advice of others when you choose to exercise options.

The vibrant & strong phase will give way to a period of cooperation and some hurdles beyond 10th September 2009. If in a business, the year will be gainful mostly except between May & July. Income & gains due to your hard work will be highest between January & May. Trends in business could be somewhat difficult and unsettled during January, May & September. Beyond 5th October 2009 business prospects would be more difficult than before. If in a job, you will find exceptional progress till end August. Gains will be good in terms of money as well as status. Pressures from superiors will be high till 17th May 2009.

Hard work will give you progress & creditability A slightly easier but also unexciting phase in job area will commence after you cross 10th September 2009. Overall still 2009 will be positive. If working as a professional, there will be gains and positive period mostly. The year will have high points during January, February and July. Associations & partnerships could cause concerns after October begins. Still a positive year mostly.

Pisces January Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 13th January 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.

Pisces February Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 12th February 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 13th February 2009.

Pisces March Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 14th March 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 15th March 2009.

Pisces April Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 13th April 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 14th April 2009.

Pisces May Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 14th May 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 15th May 2009.

Pisces June Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th June 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th June 2009.

Pisces July Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 15th July 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 16th July 2009.

Pisces August Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 16th August 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 17th August 2009.

Pisces September Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 16th September 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.

Pisces October Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th October 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th October 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.

Pisces November Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 15th November 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 16th November 2009. Level of luck will rise too.

Pisces December Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th December 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.

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