Friday, January 9, 2009

Horoscope year 2009 - Aquarius

2009 Aquarius General: 2009 would pose challenges overall as a gradual slide in resources could be felt as the year progresses. You will find monetary challenges would be high as the year commences. A sudden increase in financial pressures is possible due to a sudden loss or a financial liability beyond your control. This is a time when overheads would be high and expenses will continue to outstrip income, especially up to April 2009.

Investments and financial exposure should be totally controlled. Improvements would come after May 2009 till July 2009 as financial condition as well as your outlook would turn positive and be a reason for cheer. New events beyond 16th June 2009 should be handled carefully since a slide down in work as well as financial matters could come during the August 2009 - 17th October 2009 phase. Mistakes and issues of the January 2009 and April 2009 period could come back after August 2009 therefore you should be cautious and conservative in the period between January to April 2009.

Unorthodox thinking and actions could make you loose your position between January and April 2009 and therefore you should be cautious mostly. Period beyond 3rd November 2009 will bring a rise in level of gains as well as an increase in income till end of the year. It is a good period for friendships, social life but not for sensors relationships. As January 2009 commences, issues in marital matters would be high (if married). Generally too you will find a certain level of rise in opposition to your ideas as well as thoughts.

This phase would be felt more till 17th May 2009. You will however, easily be able to overcome these issues of your focus and put your mind on it. Distance with spouse and business partners would be fell overall. Period beyond 10th September 2009 could see a dip in confidence as well as general level of luck. There will be a slowdown due to which you need to remain conservative and low profile. Family life will experience distance and a slide in relations most of the year except between May and July 2009 when a remarkable improvement would come overall. Still it is a period of caution overall this year.

Money matters too would be challenging due to dip in gains and a rise in level of expenses most of the year except between May and July 2009 as well as post 20th December 2009. Income will dip as the year commences. It will rise between May and July 2009 and Post November 2009. Investment of any sort should be avoided. You should stay away from speculation during February 2009 as well as between 16th June 2009 and 17th October 2009. Further money matters / investment could cause worry during January, May and September 2009. This year could be challenging and we would suggest remedies for Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn.

2009 Aquarius Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will be lower on activity in love life and relationships while marriage will continue to be a challenge during this time. You will find a rise in activity levels between May 2009 and July 2009. Rest of the year will be low key mostly. If unattached, you will find pressures and distances in career which could keep the socializing opportunities to a minimum this year. There will be positive phases in social / love opportunities during January, between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, June, August & November. A move towards a serious phase could come briefly between 1st May 2009 & 15th June 2009. Mostly you will find better prospects till July.

Hurdles in love life could build up after November 2009 begins. If in a relationship, there will be a slow and detached phase, as the year begins. You will find improvement after May commences although attitude and temperament of partner would remain a challenge between January & 17th May 2009 mostly. A somewhat better period will operate between May 2009 and July 2009. You will find another phase of distances & issues past August 2009. Relationships could be turbulent most during January, May and September 2009.

If married, you will find somewhat difficult & stoic relation with spouse till 17th May 2009. Your own temperament could be unstable which could spoil your perception towards the marriage. An easier phase could come up beyond 17th May 2009. Marriage will be eventful and positive between May 2009 and July 2009. Married life will turn easier once you cross 10th September 2009. This will also be due to your willingness to take a backseat in the marriage. Spouse would be easier to deal with once that happens. Unmarried people will get an opportunity for marriage till end August.

2009 Aquarius Career Horoscope: 2009 is not a promising year for progress in career. You could feel opposition to your ideas from the beginning of the year to 17th May 2009 at least. There will be chances of partnership as well as development of joint areas in career during this year. Financial liabilities and high recurring expenses/ overhead will keep progress in career troubled and mostly in check. These trends will continue till end October after which a gainful and more useful period will occur.

Career will be in a positive and progressive phase in January, June and after 6th October 2009 till end of the year. If in a business, there will be hurdles and increases in expenses (some losses) between January and 17th May 2009. You will find better phase for progress between May 2009 and July 2009. Income and gains will be present after 3rd November 2009 till end of the year. Rests of the periods are unsuitable. Changes and risks in career should be avoided. A dip in growth as well as loss of confidence in business could be felt after 5th October 2009. You need to be careful in this regard.

If in a job, you will feel discontentment and remain upset/displeased with superiors. Further your own public opinion and status will remain low and not very strong. Improvement will come after May till July but overall it would be easy since past September 2009 position could dip. A higher paying but passive position could come up after 3rd November 2009. It would be beneficial to go for a position with lower activity. If working as a professional, you will find a slow period mostly.

There will be a very gainful but turbulent period after 27th January 2009 till 31st May 2009. In between 7th March 2009 to 19th April 2009 will be turbulent. You should avoid major decisions & moves, although it is a gainful period mostly. Luck will dip a bit after 10th October 2009, although things will turn positive past 20th December 2009.

Aquarius January Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 13th January 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 14th January 2009.

Aquarius February Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 12th February 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 13th February 2009.

Aquarius March Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 14th March 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 15th March 2009.

Aquarius April Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 13th April 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 14th April 2009.

Aquarius May Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th May 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th May 2009.

Aquarius June Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th June 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th June 2009.

Aquarius July Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th July 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th July 2009.

Aquarius August Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 16th August 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.

Aquarius September Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th September 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th September 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.

Aquarius October Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th October 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th October 2009. Level of luck will rise too.

Aquarius November Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th November 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.

Aquarius December Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th December 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.

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