2009 Pisces General: 2009 is a very promising year, since efforts and work done in the last two years will all bear fruits this year.You will be in a changed mental position between January and April 2009. There would be a sudden rise in gains, social activity, association with friends and celebration. In between all these activities you will find your thinking would turn unorthodox and could create problems in focusing on matters at hand.
Most of these changes would be felt only by you and it would not be apparent to people around you. It would therefore be better to avoid making your thoughts open and further not take a stand on issues as such. You should continue working on increasing your gains and avoid diluting your thoughts as such. Beyond May 2009 a dip in your mental and physical health could be felt. There could be times that you feel isolated and low on confidence during this time. Worry and anxiousness on this account could be felt more after 16th June 2009. You will find a closure and stop of this trend after August 2009 commences.
You will see better prospective gains and progress beyond August 2009 till 20th December 2009. Chances of a new relationship possible this year, while a celebration in the family would come about too. It is a year when hard work would be rewarded in direct proportion to the efforts put in, there will be gains till end August 2009 in good proportion. Sudden unexpected events in career could modify the overall trend between January 2009 and 17th May 2009. We will advice you against making a move or a change in career during this time period. Further beyond 10th September 2009, a new phase in relationship and joint areas of life would come. If in a partnership or in a marriage, you will find increase in separative thinking. Distances both mental and physical could build up. If married, temperament of spouse could create issues. September 2009 onwards a period of caution.
Family life will be positive between January 2009 and April 2009 and thereafter beyond August 2009. You will find a positive period mostly, except during March 2009 and April 2009 when some distances could build up. Extended family could see misunderstanding and distances after November 2009 commences. Career will see some unexpected and unplanned changes after November 2009 too.
Money matters would be positive mostly. There will be gains, both from regular as well as new sources. A slowdown could come between 8th March 2009 and 14th April 2009 and also between May and July 2009. Income will be good mostly till 20th December 2009. Investment should be handled with utmost caution. There would be chance of incorrect decisions and losses on that account. Speculation should be avoided strictly during March 2009 and beyond 6th October 2009. The year will open very positively. Hurdles could however increase in the last quarter. We will suggest remedies for the period beyond September 2009.
2009 Love / Marriage: Love as well as marriage matters would not be in much of a focus this year till October 2009 commences. You will be in a very social and outgoing mood; which will bring some friendships bordering on romance between January and April 2009. Negative thinking in relationships would prevail till October 2009 and could create issues in a stable outlook mostly. If unattached, you will be in a confused stick of mind due to too many options and at the same time not enough conviction in the person who you come across. This unsettled phase will operate till October 2009 and with lower intensity between May and July 2009. Better and stable opportunity between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, will be exciting in love/ social matters.
Besides July, September and December 2009 will be good. If in a relationship, you will find trouble connecting mentally till October 2009 end. Further controversy could prevail after 6th October 2009 with anger and aggression from 21st December 2009. Besides the above trend, there will be positive trends but with an element of skepticism and mental disconnect till 31st October 2009. If married, the year will be exciting and positive between January and April 2009 and further between August and 20th December 2009.
Some unsteady trends due to temperament of spouse and your mutual rapport could come during January, May and September 2009. September 2009 could be particularly difficult. October 2009 onwards marriage matters could be difficult and spouse could be aloof and distant. Further, physical and mental distances possible. Not an easy phase after September 2009. Unmarried people might not get much of an opportunity for marriage this year. 2009 Pisces Career Horoscope : 2009 will be a very positive year for career. The success & gains made now would be a benchmark for the next few years.
There will be exceptional gains in career due to the high level of hard work & efforts put in by you. In between the period, May & July could be slow & somewhat difficult since your position as well as general speed of progress could dip during this time. 16th June 2009 onwards will experience rethinking and use some bold iniatives which will pull up the progress in career up back again from August. Career will experience a problem of abundance after 3rd November 2009 since there would be a sudden rise in new options & opportunities. It would be useful to take advice of others when you choose to exercise options.
The vibrant & strong phase will give way to a period of cooperation and some hurdles beyond 10th September 2009. If in a business, the year will be gainful mostly except between May & July. Income & gains due to your hard work will be highest between January & May. Trends in business could be somewhat difficult and unsettled during January, May & September. Beyond 5th October 2009 business prospects would be more difficult than before. If in a job, you will find exceptional progress till end August. Gains will be good in terms of money as well as status. Pressures from superiors will be high till 17th May 2009.
Hard work will give you progress & creditability A slightly easier but also unexciting phase in job area will commence after you cross 10th September 2009. Overall still 2009 will be positive. If working as a professional, there will be gains and positive period mostly. The year will have high points during January, February and July. Associations & partnerships could cause concerns after October begins. Still a positive year mostly.
Pisces January Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 13th January 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Pisces February Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 12th February 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 13th February 2009.
Pisces March Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 14th March 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 15th March 2009.
Pisces April Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 13th April 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 14th April 2009.
Pisces May Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 14th May 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 15th May 2009.
Pisces June Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th June 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th June 2009.
Pisces July Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 15th July 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 16th July 2009.
Pisces August Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 16th August 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 17th August 2009.
Pisces September Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 16th September 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Pisces October Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th October 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th October 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Pisces November Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 15th November 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 16th November 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Pisces December Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th December 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Horoscope year 2009 - Aquarius
2009 Aquarius General: 2009 would pose challenges overall as a gradual slide in resources could be felt as the year progresses. You will find monetary challenges would be high as the year commences. A sudden increase in financial pressures is possible due to a sudden loss or a financial liability beyond your control. This is a time when overheads would be high and expenses will continue to outstrip income, especially up to April 2009.
Investments and financial exposure should be totally controlled. Improvements would come after May 2009 till July 2009 as financial condition as well as your outlook would turn positive and be a reason for cheer. New events beyond 16th June 2009 should be handled carefully since a slide down in work as well as financial matters could come during the August 2009 - 17th October 2009 phase. Mistakes and issues of the January 2009 and April 2009 period could come back after August 2009 therefore you should be cautious and conservative in the period between January to April 2009.
Unorthodox thinking and actions could make you loose your position between January and April 2009 and therefore you should be cautious mostly. Period beyond 3rd November 2009 will bring a rise in level of gains as well as an increase in income till end of the year. It is a good period for friendships, social life but not for sensors relationships. As January 2009 commences, issues in marital matters would be high (if married). Generally too you will find a certain level of rise in opposition to your ideas as well as thoughts.
This phase would be felt more till 17th May 2009. You will however, easily be able to overcome these issues of your focus and put your mind on it. Distance with spouse and business partners would be fell overall. Period beyond 10th September 2009 could see a dip in confidence as well as general level of luck. There will be a slowdown due to which you need to remain conservative and low profile. Family life will experience distance and a slide in relations most of the year except between May and July 2009 when a remarkable improvement would come overall. Still it is a period of caution overall this year.
Money matters too would be challenging due to dip in gains and a rise in level of expenses most of the year except between May and July 2009 as well as post 20th December 2009. Income will dip as the year commences. It will rise between May and July 2009 and Post November 2009. Investment of any sort should be avoided. You should stay away from speculation during February 2009 as well as between 16th June 2009 and 17th October 2009. Further money matters / investment could cause worry during January, May and September 2009. This year could be challenging and we would suggest remedies for Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn.
2009 Aquarius Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will be lower on activity in love life and relationships while marriage will continue to be a challenge during this time. You will find a rise in activity levels between May 2009 and July 2009. Rest of the year will be low key mostly. If unattached, you will find pressures and distances in career which could keep the socializing opportunities to a minimum this year. There will be positive phases in social / love opportunities during January, between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, June, August & November. A move towards a serious phase could come briefly between 1st May 2009 & 15th June 2009. Mostly you will find better prospects till July.
Hurdles in love life could build up after November 2009 begins. If in a relationship, there will be a slow and detached phase, as the year begins. You will find improvement after May commences although attitude and temperament of partner would remain a challenge between January & 17th May 2009 mostly. A somewhat better period will operate between May 2009 and July 2009. You will find another phase of distances & issues past August 2009. Relationships could be turbulent most during January, May and September 2009.
If married, you will find somewhat difficult & stoic relation with spouse till 17th May 2009. Your own temperament could be unstable which could spoil your perception towards the marriage. An easier phase could come up beyond 17th May 2009. Marriage will be eventful and positive between May 2009 and July 2009. Married life will turn easier once you cross 10th September 2009. This will also be due to your willingness to take a backseat in the marriage. Spouse would be easier to deal with once that happens. Unmarried people will get an opportunity for marriage till end August.
2009 Aquarius Career Horoscope: 2009 is not a promising year for progress in career. You could feel opposition to your ideas from the beginning of the year to 17th May 2009 at least. There will be chances of partnership as well as development of joint areas in career during this year. Financial liabilities and high recurring expenses/ overhead will keep progress in career troubled and mostly in check. These trends will continue till end October after which a gainful and more useful period will occur.
Career will be in a positive and progressive phase in January, June and after 6th October 2009 till end of the year. If in a business, there will be hurdles and increases in expenses (some losses) between January and 17th May 2009. You will find better phase for progress between May 2009 and July 2009. Income and gains will be present after 3rd November 2009 till end of the year. Rests of the periods are unsuitable. Changes and risks in career should be avoided. A dip in growth as well as loss of confidence in business could be felt after 5th October 2009. You need to be careful in this regard.
If in a job, you will feel discontentment and remain upset/displeased with superiors. Further your own public opinion and status will remain low and not very strong. Improvement will come after May till July but overall it would be easy since past September 2009 position could dip. A higher paying but passive position could come up after 3rd November 2009. It would be beneficial to go for a position with lower activity. If working as a professional, you will find a slow period mostly.
There will be a very gainful but turbulent period after 27th January 2009 till 31st May 2009. In between 7th March 2009 to 19th April 2009 will be turbulent. You should avoid major decisions & moves, although it is a gainful period mostly. Luck will dip a bit after 10th October 2009, although things will turn positive past 20th December 2009.
Aquarius January Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 13th January 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 14th January 2009.
Aquarius February Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 12th February 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 13th February 2009.
Aquarius March Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 14th March 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 15th March 2009.
Aquarius April Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 13th April 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 14th April 2009.
Aquarius May Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th May 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th May 2009.
Aquarius June Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th June 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th June 2009.
Aquarius July Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th July 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th July 2009.
Aquarius August Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 16th August 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Aquarius September Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th September 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th September 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Aquarius October Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th October 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th October 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Aquarius November Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th November 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Aquarius December Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th December 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Investments and financial exposure should be totally controlled. Improvements would come after May 2009 till July 2009 as financial condition as well as your outlook would turn positive and be a reason for cheer. New events beyond 16th June 2009 should be handled carefully since a slide down in work as well as financial matters could come during the August 2009 - 17th October 2009 phase. Mistakes and issues of the January 2009 and April 2009 period could come back after August 2009 therefore you should be cautious and conservative in the period between January to April 2009.
Unorthodox thinking and actions could make you loose your position between January and April 2009 and therefore you should be cautious mostly. Period beyond 3rd November 2009 will bring a rise in level of gains as well as an increase in income till end of the year. It is a good period for friendships, social life but not for sensors relationships. As January 2009 commences, issues in marital matters would be high (if married). Generally too you will find a certain level of rise in opposition to your ideas as well as thoughts.
This phase would be felt more till 17th May 2009. You will however, easily be able to overcome these issues of your focus and put your mind on it. Distance with spouse and business partners would be fell overall. Period beyond 10th September 2009 could see a dip in confidence as well as general level of luck. There will be a slowdown due to which you need to remain conservative and low profile. Family life will experience distance and a slide in relations most of the year except between May and July 2009 when a remarkable improvement would come overall. Still it is a period of caution overall this year.
Money matters too would be challenging due to dip in gains and a rise in level of expenses most of the year except between May and July 2009 as well as post 20th December 2009. Income will dip as the year commences. It will rise between May and July 2009 and Post November 2009. Investment of any sort should be avoided. You should stay away from speculation during February 2009 as well as between 16th June 2009 and 17th October 2009. Further money matters / investment could cause worry during January, May and September 2009. This year could be challenging and we would suggest remedies for Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn.
2009 Aquarius Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will be lower on activity in love life and relationships while marriage will continue to be a challenge during this time. You will find a rise in activity levels between May 2009 and July 2009. Rest of the year will be low key mostly. If unattached, you will find pressures and distances in career which could keep the socializing opportunities to a minimum this year. There will be positive phases in social / love opportunities during January, between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, June, August & November. A move towards a serious phase could come briefly between 1st May 2009 & 15th June 2009. Mostly you will find better prospects till July.
Hurdles in love life could build up after November 2009 begins. If in a relationship, there will be a slow and detached phase, as the year begins. You will find improvement after May commences although attitude and temperament of partner would remain a challenge between January & 17th May 2009 mostly. A somewhat better period will operate between May 2009 and July 2009. You will find another phase of distances & issues past August 2009. Relationships could be turbulent most during January, May and September 2009.
If married, you will find somewhat difficult & stoic relation with spouse till 17th May 2009. Your own temperament could be unstable which could spoil your perception towards the marriage. An easier phase could come up beyond 17th May 2009. Marriage will be eventful and positive between May 2009 and July 2009. Married life will turn easier once you cross 10th September 2009. This will also be due to your willingness to take a backseat in the marriage. Spouse would be easier to deal with once that happens. Unmarried people will get an opportunity for marriage till end August.
2009 Aquarius Career Horoscope: 2009 is not a promising year for progress in career. You could feel opposition to your ideas from the beginning of the year to 17th May 2009 at least. There will be chances of partnership as well as development of joint areas in career during this year. Financial liabilities and high recurring expenses/ overhead will keep progress in career troubled and mostly in check. These trends will continue till end October after which a gainful and more useful period will occur.
Career will be in a positive and progressive phase in January, June and after 6th October 2009 till end of the year. If in a business, there will be hurdles and increases in expenses (some losses) between January and 17th May 2009. You will find better phase for progress between May 2009 and July 2009. Income and gains will be present after 3rd November 2009 till end of the year. Rests of the periods are unsuitable. Changes and risks in career should be avoided. A dip in growth as well as loss of confidence in business could be felt after 5th October 2009. You need to be careful in this regard.
If in a job, you will feel discontentment and remain upset/displeased with superiors. Further your own public opinion and status will remain low and not very strong. Improvement will come after May till July but overall it would be easy since past September 2009 position could dip. A higher paying but passive position could come up after 3rd November 2009. It would be beneficial to go for a position with lower activity. If working as a professional, you will find a slow period mostly.
There will be a very gainful but turbulent period after 27th January 2009 till 31st May 2009. In between 7th March 2009 to 19th April 2009 will be turbulent. You should avoid major decisions & moves, although it is a gainful period mostly. Luck will dip a bit after 10th October 2009, although things will turn positive past 20th December 2009.
Aquarius January Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 13th January 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 14th January 2009.
Aquarius February Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 12th February 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 13th February 2009.
Aquarius March Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 14th March 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 15th March 2009.
Aquarius April Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 13th April 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 14th April 2009.
Aquarius May Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th May 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th May 2009.
Aquarius June Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th June 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th June 2009.
Aquarius July Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th July 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th July 2009.
Aquarius August Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 16th August 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Aquarius September Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th September 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th September 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Aquarius October Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th October 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th October 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Aquarius November Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th November 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Aquarius December Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th December 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Horoscope year 2009 - Capricorn
2009 Capricorn General: 2009 Would experience its share of challenges, although this year will see good progress and a positive outlook mostly.You will find a higher focus on events around you, although there would be a definite compromise in values as well as spiritual progress this year. Mind would be material and unorthodox. There could be actions which are not fully approved by the society. This could lead to loss of status/ position after August 2009. Monetary position and speech/ level of activity in financial pursuits would rise after May 2009. There will be good speech and expression between May and July 2009.
Work would be positive mostly. Period between 25th January and 31st May 2009 will see new avenues developing. 7th march 2009 to 19th April 2009 could be turbulent and any major moves or decisions in career should be avoided. Hurdles and waste in financial matters will remain till 9th September 2009. Period between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009 would remain a challenge and mostly difficult during this time. You need to be conservative in financial matters.
New investments and financial projects should be avoided till 17th May 2009. A better and improved period will operate after 17th May 2009 till 10th September 2009. Further beyond 5th October 2009, luck will rise in financial, professional as well as personal life. You will find opportunity for travel too after 5th October 2009 till end of the month. A lucky phase will operate between October and December 2009. November 2009 onwards however the level of wasteful expenses as well as overhead would tend to rise. It is a time when you could move and think unorthodoxly.
It would be useful to stay within the parameters of low. Debt should be avoided as much as possible, after November 2009. Family life overall would be average only. There will be a brief positive and happy phase between May and July 2009. Luck in family life as well as general welfare of family members could come after 10th September 2009. Money matters would be trying overall. The level of commitment would be higher than your resources till 17th May 2009. It is a period to remain conservative overall. Between May and July 2009, there will be a more positive and easy phase in money matter.
Luck and abundance in money matters would raise after October 2009 commences. Income will be good mostly. A dip will be felt during January 2009 and after October 2009. Investments would be gainful mostly till October 2009. An over active phase will operate between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. You should avoid making hasty decisions during this time. Speculation of any sort should be avoided between 8th March 2009 and 10th April 2009 and after November 2009. The year will be quite positive after May 2009 and overall your level of luck and success will change after October 2009.
2009 Capricorn Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will continue with high activity in love and marriage matters. There could be resentment towards existing relationship while you will find new relations interesting. Sudden changes in thinking will operate between January 2009 and May 2009. You should remain calm and patient avoid taking a decision as such in relationships till you cross 30th April 2009 at least and preferably after 17th May 2009. Changes in mindset and a slowdown in relationships possible after November 2009.
If unattached, the year would be very eventful. You will hit a social peak after 27th January 2009 and a very exciting period will operate till 31st May 2009. Between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, the period will peak and you could be in the thick of a relationship. Some commitments or move forward could come between May and July, although back tracking could happen after August commences. Beyond April, you will find July, October and December happy and eventful. If in a relationship, you might feel trapped or dissatisfied.
This could lead you to think of alternatives or seek a change. Mind would race with ideas between January and April, while you could find new interest and a social high between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009.It is a period to proceed cautiously as current relationships could get jeopardized in this way. A serious and stable phase will come after November 2009. By this period things should settle down.
If married, the period will not be easy still. There could be skepticism about abilities of spouse as well as your perceived compatibility in the marriage. You will find multiple influences on marriage and the period till April 2009 will be turbulent. Your own temperament and personality could be unstable mostly. Better trends will operate after 17th May 2009 while a difficult decision in marital matters could come up between August and 17th October 2009. A stable phase will operate after 3rd November 2009. If unmarried there could be a sudden opportunity up to April 2009.
2009 Capricorn Career Horoscope: Hurdles in career will continue, although there will be sufficient progress and gains too. 2009 will bring a whole lot of options and unorthodox methods of growth. You will need to keep a balanced mind and avoid an uninformed or an impulsive decision as it could cost you, your position after August this year. Gains and progress in a more logical manner will come after May 2009 and will continue till July 2009. Further general level of luck will take a positive & long term turn after 10th September 2009. The period that changes now will put your career in the positive trajectory in the next few years.
In between career will be in a new and experimental mode between Feb & 31st May. In between a very volatile period will run from 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. Major career decisions and risks should be avoided during this time. If in a business, there will be some confusing trends which could pull your energies in different directions. Still new partnerships and alliances possible.
Gains in business will be high till April and then between August and December. Monetary pressures and outflows will be high between January 2009 -17th May 2009. Beyond 3rd November 2009 you should be careful of the overhead and fixed expenses you build up as that could eat into your capital. Unexpected losses possible too. The period between May and July could bring good level of gains in business. If in a job the current year till 17th May 2009 will present a lot of hurdles. A lot of doubts and conflicting thoughts could cross your mind. Improvement will come between May 2009 and July 2009, while a setback due to a mistake between Jan & April, will be felt after August commences.
Position & luck in job will rise after 5th October 2009. Thereafter a positive period. If working as a professional, you will find good progress this year. Progress would be quite good between May 2009 and July 2009. Further period beyond 10th September 2009 would be a defining phase as there will be a high level of change and positive move in your profession after September 2009. Further a more improved period will run from 20th December 2009.
Capricorn January Horoscope: Slow and difficult period till the 13th January 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 14th January 2009.
Capricorn February Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 12th February 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 13th February 2009.
Capricorn March Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 14th March 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 15th March 2009.
Capricorn April Horoscope : Positive period till the 13th April 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 14th April 2009.
Capricorn May Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th May 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th may 2009.
Capricorn June Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 14th June 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 15th June 2009.
Capricorn July Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 15th July 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Capricorn August Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th August 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th August 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Capricorn September Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th September 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th September 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Capricorn October Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 16th October 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Capricorn November Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th November 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Capricorn December Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 15th December 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 16th December 2009.
Work would be positive mostly. Period between 25th January and 31st May 2009 will see new avenues developing. 7th march 2009 to 19th April 2009 could be turbulent and any major moves or decisions in career should be avoided. Hurdles and waste in financial matters will remain till 9th September 2009. Period between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009 would remain a challenge and mostly difficult during this time. You need to be conservative in financial matters.
New investments and financial projects should be avoided till 17th May 2009. A better and improved period will operate after 17th May 2009 till 10th September 2009. Further beyond 5th October 2009, luck will rise in financial, professional as well as personal life. You will find opportunity for travel too after 5th October 2009 till end of the month. A lucky phase will operate between October and December 2009. November 2009 onwards however the level of wasteful expenses as well as overhead would tend to rise. It is a time when you could move and think unorthodoxly.
It would be useful to stay within the parameters of low. Debt should be avoided as much as possible, after November 2009. Family life overall would be average only. There will be a brief positive and happy phase between May and July 2009. Luck in family life as well as general welfare of family members could come after 10th September 2009. Money matters would be trying overall. The level of commitment would be higher than your resources till 17th May 2009. It is a period to remain conservative overall. Between May and July 2009, there will be a more positive and easy phase in money matter.
Luck and abundance in money matters would raise after October 2009 commences. Income will be good mostly. A dip will be felt during January 2009 and after October 2009. Investments would be gainful mostly till October 2009. An over active phase will operate between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. You should avoid making hasty decisions during this time. Speculation of any sort should be avoided between 8th March 2009 and 10th April 2009 and after November 2009. The year will be quite positive after May 2009 and overall your level of luck and success will change after October 2009.
2009 Capricorn Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will continue with high activity in love and marriage matters. There could be resentment towards existing relationship while you will find new relations interesting. Sudden changes in thinking will operate between January 2009 and May 2009. You should remain calm and patient avoid taking a decision as such in relationships till you cross 30th April 2009 at least and preferably after 17th May 2009. Changes in mindset and a slowdown in relationships possible after November 2009.
If unattached, the year would be very eventful. You will hit a social peak after 27th January 2009 and a very exciting period will operate till 31st May 2009. Between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009, the period will peak and you could be in the thick of a relationship. Some commitments or move forward could come between May and July, although back tracking could happen after August commences. Beyond April, you will find July, October and December happy and eventful. If in a relationship, you might feel trapped or dissatisfied.
This could lead you to think of alternatives or seek a change. Mind would race with ideas between January and April, while you could find new interest and a social high between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009.It is a period to proceed cautiously as current relationships could get jeopardized in this way. A serious and stable phase will come after November 2009. By this period things should settle down.
If married, the period will not be easy still. There could be skepticism about abilities of spouse as well as your perceived compatibility in the marriage. You will find multiple influences on marriage and the period till April 2009 will be turbulent. Your own temperament and personality could be unstable mostly. Better trends will operate after 17th May 2009 while a difficult decision in marital matters could come up between August and 17th October 2009. A stable phase will operate after 3rd November 2009. If unmarried there could be a sudden opportunity up to April 2009.
2009 Capricorn Career Horoscope: Hurdles in career will continue, although there will be sufficient progress and gains too. 2009 will bring a whole lot of options and unorthodox methods of growth. You will need to keep a balanced mind and avoid an uninformed or an impulsive decision as it could cost you, your position after August this year. Gains and progress in a more logical manner will come after May 2009 and will continue till July 2009. Further general level of luck will take a positive & long term turn after 10th September 2009. The period that changes now will put your career in the positive trajectory in the next few years.
In between career will be in a new and experimental mode between Feb & 31st May. In between a very volatile period will run from 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. Major career decisions and risks should be avoided during this time. If in a business, there will be some confusing trends which could pull your energies in different directions. Still new partnerships and alliances possible.
Gains in business will be high till April and then between August and December. Monetary pressures and outflows will be high between January 2009 -17th May 2009. Beyond 3rd November 2009 you should be careful of the overhead and fixed expenses you build up as that could eat into your capital. Unexpected losses possible too. The period between May and July could bring good level of gains in business. If in a job the current year till 17th May 2009 will present a lot of hurdles. A lot of doubts and conflicting thoughts could cross your mind. Improvement will come between May 2009 and July 2009, while a setback due to a mistake between Jan & April, will be felt after August commences.
Position & luck in job will rise after 5th October 2009. Thereafter a positive period. If working as a professional, you will find good progress this year. Progress would be quite good between May 2009 and July 2009. Further period beyond 10th September 2009 would be a defining phase as there will be a high level of change and positive move in your profession after September 2009. Further a more improved period will run from 20th December 2009.
Capricorn January Horoscope: Slow and difficult period till the 13th January 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 14th January 2009.
Capricorn February Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 12th February 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 13th February 2009.
Capricorn March Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 14th March 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 15th March 2009.
Capricorn April Horoscope : Positive period till the 13th April 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 14th April 2009.
Capricorn May Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th May 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th may 2009.
Capricorn June Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 14th June 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 15th June 2009.
Capricorn July Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 15th July 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Capricorn August Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 16th August 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 17th August 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Capricorn September Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th September 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th September 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Capricorn October Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 16th October 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Capricorn November Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th November 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Capricorn December Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 15th December 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Sagittarius
2009 Sagittarius General: 2009 would see a sudden spurn in the level of activity. You will find a high of family and monetary changes between January 2009 and April 2009 this year. The development would be positive although you could turn careless which could spoil the future prospects after May 2009 till July 2009. The mistakes of January - April 2009 phase could come back after August 2009 and create issues in family life till mid October 2009.
You will find your speech as well as expectations would be higher, although a tendency to be more bias in speech as well as sub-conscious thoughts would be felt till April 2009 end. A slide down in status, as well as chances of a false allegation would be present after May 2009. The period could cause concern between 16th June 2009 and 31st July 2009. A temporary regaining of position would then, also be felt after August 2009. This year you could find an alternate source of income or an additional opportunity for gain between January 2009 and April 2009 and then August 2009 and December 2009.
Luck in money matters would be possible, while frequent travel opportunities could come up to August 2009. Unplanned travel could come up more between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009. You could find a religious bent of mind most of the year. Beyond 10th September 2009, there will be rise in focus in matters of work. Pressures could rise in matters connected with superiors. You will acquire a higher level of authority at work as well as your status in life. Some blocks in progress at work will however be felt. Pressures could rise in marital matters after 10th September 2009 too. Family matters could see some unexpected and secret activity. Some amount of family intrigue will be felt till April 2009.
Focus would shift away from family matters after 3rd November 2009. Thereafter you could find a hardening and fixedness in your temperament. It would be useful to remain flexible as well as accessible during this year. Money matters will see abundance inflows up to April 2009 and thereafter between August 2009 and 20th December 2009. This period will see gains and inflows from unexpected and not fully legitimate sources. It would be useful to be careful. Income would be good mostly. There will be a spike and sudden rise in income between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009.
Investment should be handled with caution till end October 2009 at least. No loans should be granted. Chances of bereavement in the family would be present. You will find, despite an unsettled period as well as high activity, the year will be mostly favorable in money matters and marital matters. There might not be much of spiritual progress through this year.
2009 Sagittarius Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will see a greater emphasis on family life rather than love and marriage pursuits as such. Personal & domestic matters will take much of your attention till end October. A shift in thinking towards romantic partner/spouse could take place after 3rd November 2009. If unattached, you will find a positive and social period mostly. The year will open up with hectic socializing. New friendships which seem like love would be possible between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009 and during June 2009. However not much move in love matters will take place this year.
Your ability to get new friends could be curtailed due to your fixed attitude after November commences. If in a relationship, you will find a certain amount of issues on a sub conscious level, believing in the relationship. You should put the negative thought behind you if you wish to succeed in love. You will have positive trend in March, June & July. Short tempered speech & attitude could bring hurdles during February 2009 & May 2009 Anger would need to be controlled during October 2009 to December 2009 phase for better luck in relationship. If married, this year could see sudden challenges due to family life. You could be disturbed and unstable on a subconscious level between January 2009 & April 2009.
Changes in thinking & mindset would come after 3rd November 2009. Beyond this you might be inflexible and develops skepticism towards spouse, which could pull down the relationship somewhat. You need to believe in yourself & spouse for better rapport overall. Marital matters could be unstable during January, May & September. Controversy should be avoided during March, July & August. Unmarried people could find some chances of marriage between January 2009- April 2009 & again between August 2009 & December 2009.
2009 Sagittarius Career Horoscope: 2009 Will not much activity in the career sphere although you will find an expansion in your level of activities between January � April 2009 and then again between August and December 2009. You will find the kind of work that you do will acquire additional hurdles and some kind of pressures between January 2009 and 17th May 2009. Career overall could turn turbulent and you could loose focus of what you wish to do during January, May and September 2009. Things could go unusually quite in career between 16th March and 13th April 2009, during July 2009 and after mid October 2009 till end November 2009.
If you are in a business, there would be hurdles and issues this year. Investment plans could be ill conceived, due to which lead to wastage of funds. You need to be careful of how your money is deployed during this year till October 2009. Further level of luck in business will rise after May 2009 till July 2009. There would be a fall in status though overall. Gain in career of a moderate nature will continue throughout in any case. Major decision in business should be avoided after November 2009 as chances of error exist.
If in a job, you will find it is a gainful year to you. You will find higher income than before between January to April 2009 and further a rise in your status and promotion after May 2009 till July 2009. You could experience some peltry situations till end October 2009 and be careful of getting into controversies where you could loose your position. Level of authority will rise after 5th October 2009, although pressure from superiors will rise from 10th September 2009. Job environment will go through a progressive but volatile phase between February and May 2009 end. In between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009 will be turbulent and should be handled with caution.
If working as a professional, there would be a gainful period but at the same time there will be pressures and anxiousness. Changes in your profession should be avoided till 17th May 2009. Luck will be good between May 2009 and July 2009. Overall status will rise from 5th October 2009 while pressures in profession will ease out after 10th September 2009.
Sagittarius January Horoscope: Creative and high activity phase till the 13th January 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 14th January 2009.
Sagittarius February Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 12th February 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 13th February 2009.
Sagittarius March Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th March 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th March 2009.
Sagittarius April Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 13th April 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 14th April 2009.
Sagittarius May Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 14th May 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 15th May 2009.
Sagittarius June Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 14th June 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Sagittarius July Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 15th July 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 16th July 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Sagittarius August Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th August 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th August 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Sagittarius September Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 16th September 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Sagittarius October Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 16th October 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Sagittarius November Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 15th November 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 16th November 2009.
Sagittarius December Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 15th December 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 16th December 2009.
You will find your speech as well as expectations would be higher, although a tendency to be more bias in speech as well as sub-conscious thoughts would be felt till April 2009 end. A slide down in status, as well as chances of a false allegation would be present after May 2009. The period could cause concern between 16th June 2009 and 31st July 2009. A temporary regaining of position would then, also be felt after August 2009. This year you could find an alternate source of income or an additional opportunity for gain between January 2009 and April 2009 and then August 2009 and December 2009.
Luck in money matters would be possible, while frequent travel opportunities could come up to August 2009. Unplanned travel could come up more between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009. You could find a religious bent of mind most of the year. Beyond 10th September 2009, there will be rise in focus in matters of work. Pressures could rise in matters connected with superiors. You will acquire a higher level of authority at work as well as your status in life. Some blocks in progress at work will however be felt. Pressures could rise in marital matters after 10th September 2009 too. Family matters could see some unexpected and secret activity. Some amount of family intrigue will be felt till April 2009.
Focus would shift away from family matters after 3rd November 2009. Thereafter you could find a hardening and fixedness in your temperament. It would be useful to remain flexible as well as accessible during this year. Money matters will see abundance inflows up to April 2009 and thereafter between August 2009 and 20th December 2009. This period will see gains and inflows from unexpected and not fully legitimate sources. It would be useful to be careful. Income would be good mostly. There will be a spike and sudden rise in income between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009.
Investment should be handled with caution till end October 2009 at least. No loans should be granted. Chances of bereavement in the family would be present. You will find, despite an unsettled period as well as high activity, the year will be mostly favorable in money matters and marital matters. There might not be much of spiritual progress through this year.
2009 Sagittarius Love/Marriage Horoscope: 2009 will see a greater emphasis on family life rather than love and marriage pursuits as such. Personal & domestic matters will take much of your attention till end October. A shift in thinking towards romantic partner/spouse could take place after 3rd November 2009. If unattached, you will find a positive and social period mostly. The year will open up with hectic socializing. New friendships which seem like love would be possible between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009 and during June 2009. However not much move in love matters will take place this year.
Your ability to get new friends could be curtailed due to your fixed attitude after November commences. If in a relationship, you will find a certain amount of issues on a sub conscious level, believing in the relationship. You should put the negative thought behind you if you wish to succeed in love. You will have positive trend in March, June & July. Short tempered speech & attitude could bring hurdles during February 2009 & May 2009 Anger would need to be controlled during October 2009 to December 2009 phase for better luck in relationship. If married, this year could see sudden challenges due to family life. You could be disturbed and unstable on a subconscious level between January 2009 & April 2009.
Changes in thinking & mindset would come after 3rd November 2009. Beyond this you might be inflexible and develops skepticism towards spouse, which could pull down the relationship somewhat. You need to believe in yourself & spouse for better rapport overall. Marital matters could be unstable during January, May & September. Controversy should be avoided during March, July & August. Unmarried people could find some chances of marriage between January 2009- April 2009 & again between August 2009 & December 2009.
2009 Sagittarius Career Horoscope: 2009 Will not much activity in the career sphere although you will find an expansion in your level of activities between January � April 2009 and then again between August and December 2009. You will find the kind of work that you do will acquire additional hurdles and some kind of pressures between January 2009 and 17th May 2009. Career overall could turn turbulent and you could loose focus of what you wish to do during January, May and September 2009. Things could go unusually quite in career between 16th March and 13th April 2009, during July 2009 and after mid October 2009 till end November 2009.
If you are in a business, there would be hurdles and issues this year. Investment plans could be ill conceived, due to which lead to wastage of funds. You need to be careful of how your money is deployed during this year till October 2009. Further level of luck in business will rise after May 2009 till July 2009. There would be a fall in status though overall. Gain in career of a moderate nature will continue throughout in any case. Major decision in business should be avoided after November 2009 as chances of error exist.
If in a job, you will find it is a gainful year to you. You will find higher income than before between January to April 2009 and further a rise in your status and promotion after May 2009 till July 2009. You could experience some peltry situations till end October 2009 and be careful of getting into controversies where you could loose your position. Level of authority will rise after 5th October 2009, although pressure from superiors will rise from 10th September 2009. Job environment will go through a progressive but volatile phase between February and May 2009 end. In between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009 will be turbulent and should be handled with caution.
If working as a professional, there would be a gainful period but at the same time there will be pressures and anxiousness. Changes in your profession should be avoided till 17th May 2009. Luck will be good between May 2009 and July 2009. Overall status will rise from 5th October 2009 while pressures in profession will ease out after 10th September 2009.
Sagittarius January Horoscope: Creative and high activity phase till the 13th January 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 14th January 2009.
Sagittarius February Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 12th February 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 13th February 2009.
Sagittarius March Horoscope : Positive period till the 14th March 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 15th March 2009.
Sagittarius April Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 13th April 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 14th April 2009.
Sagittarius May Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 14th May 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 15th May 2009.
Sagittarius June Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 14th June 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Sagittarius July Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 15th July 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 16th July 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Sagittarius August Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 16th August 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 17th August 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Sagittarius September Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 16th September 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Sagittarius October Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 16th October 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Sagittarius November Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 15th November 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 16th November 2009.
Sagittarius December Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 15th December 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Scorpio
2009 Scorpio General: 2009 Would open with challenges as well as hurdles. These would be present both in personal life and as well as professional life due to loss of position or status. Caution in this regard is rejoined till April 2009 end, as the events could move too fast for your liking and control. You should remain very careful in career and ensure your superiors as well as sub-ordinates are well aligned wit you and in harmony too. The period between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009 is a period where love life would be highly activated and marriage matters too would be in a high activity phase.
You should avoid sudden changes or commitments in love life between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. New investments during this time should be avoided too. Beyond May 2009 you will find better and more peaceful trends at home as well as career. If interested, this period could see a property acquisition till July 2009. In any case you will get gains from real estate between May and July 2009. August 2009 onwards a somewhat difficult period could return as you could loose position in family circles, career as well as general standing. You need to remain very conservative between January 2009 and April 2009.
Since the events of this phase could backfire on you after August 2009 till mid October 2009. Overall improvement could come thereafter 20th December 2009. Career and people in a position of authority would be useful but a source of pressure and stress for you. This phase will be high between 1st January and 17th May 2009. You should strictly avoid changes as well as new projects in career during this phase. It is a period when you should stick to old process and line of work. Beyond May 17th, 2009 progress would be good and you will be more in control of events. Public interaction and ability to control others will rise.
Pressures in domestic / martial matters will remain till end August 2009. 10t September 2009, onwards there will be a rise in status although it would be more apparent to you after mid October 2009. This phase will see a rise in success, income, friends as well as status. Family life this year would be disturbed mostly, except between May and July 2009, when you will be happy mostly. Politics in family life will rise from November 2009. Be careful. Money matters will remain a cause of concern and a slide could occur between January to April 2009 and then after August 2009 till end of the year. You will feel stingy therefore will be careful of what you spend.
There will be a rise or addition in source of income after November 2009 commences. Investments could become a cause of concern phase of this year. Equity as well as any form of speculative investment should be avoided. You should be extra careful during January 2009 and ten again between 17th August 2009 and 6th October 2009. The year will be best in the last quarter while the first quarter could be tricky.
2009 Scorpio Love / Marriage Horoscope: 2009 would be a year of lower emphasis on marriage and romance in comparison to work & other areas of life. Love life would still be in a higher level of activity and could influence your career too between January 2009 & April 2009. Career pressures are likely to become a bone of contention in marital matters as well as in steady relationship. It would be more apparent between 1st January 2009 & 17th May 2009. Thinking about love & marriage would turn unconservative between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009.
It will not be advisable to take a major decision in this regard during this period. If unattached, you will find the social scene interesting and eventful between January & April. There would however not be much long term progress here Very interesting & positive trends will build up after 27th January 2009 till 31st May 2009. In between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009 you could think very turbulently and a short term romance is very much on the cards. Beyond June it would be a somewhat uneventful year. If in a relationship you could find the focus and temperament of both yourself & partner could shift. There would be some unconservative thoughts. You need to be patient and cross April 2009 to secure your relationship. Chances of a new attraction possible and also a short romance could come up.
You need to think clearly between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009. Better trends will operate beyond May. Love life will enter into a stable, stoic and steady phase after 5th October 2009. If married, this year will be positive mostly except between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009, when a whirlwind phase will start. You will experience higher level of romantic thoughts. A rethink on marriage could come but you should firmly put it out of your mind. Positive & stable trends could build up beyond May. Home building will be good between May & July. Unmarried people might not get many opportunities during this time.
2009 Scorpio Career Horoscope: Pressure in career will persist, as people in authority & effects of an adverse government order will bother you between Jan & 17th May. You could find a wrong step and decision between Jan & April could pull your position down. A position of trust you hold should be handled carefully as a false allegation or accusation of overstepping authority could be felt now. Career will take off majority once you cross 5th October 2009. Income, gains & a lot of positive events will take place in the last quarter of the year.
If in a business, the year will be prosperous but you could have problem in the premises or location where your business is conducted. An improvement in this regard could come after 17th May 2009. Growth will come due to your networking skills & marketing activities. A slowdown could come after 3rd November 2009 but an alternate source of income or an enhancement in the existing source will give you gains. An excellent phase after 5th October 2009. If in a job, there will be good growth and position of authority this year. You will have a good hold over subordinates. Change of location to more positive office or prestigious premises possible between May & July.
Income & status will look upwards after September 2009. There will be progress during February, June & after 6th October 2009. Avoid controversy /conflict with superiors between 24th May 2009 & 4th July 2009 as well as during 17th August 2009 & end September period. If working as a professional, you will find the going slow till end October, while you will find clients difficult and in an unstable mindset this year. This will be felt more till 17th May 2009. Improvements in support would come after October begins, while clarity and focus in work will come after 3rd November 2009.
Scorpio January Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 13th January 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 14thJanuary 2009.
Scorpio February Horoscope : Positive period till the 12th February 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 13th February 2009.
Scorpio March Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th March 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th March 2009.
Scorpio April Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 13th April 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 14th April 2009.
Scorpio May Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 14th May 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Scorpio June Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 14th June 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 15th June 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Scorpio July Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 15th July 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 16th July 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Scorpio August Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 16th August 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Scorpio September Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 16th September 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Scorpio October Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 16th October 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 17th October 2009.
Scorpio November Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 15th November 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 16th November 2009.
Scorpio December Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 15th December 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 16th December 2009.
You should avoid sudden changes or commitments in love life between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. New investments during this time should be avoided too. Beyond May 2009 you will find better and more peaceful trends at home as well as career. If interested, this period could see a property acquisition till July 2009. In any case you will get gains from real estate between May and July 2009. August 2009 onwards a somewhat difficult period could return as you could loose position in family circles, career as well as general standing. You need to remain very conservative between January 2009 and April 2009.
Since the events of this phase could backfire on you after August 2009 till mid October 2009. Overall improvement could come thereafter 20th December 2009. Career and people in a position of authority would be useful but a source of pressure and stress for you. This phase will be high between 1st January and 17th May 2009. You should strictly avoid changes as well as new projects in career during this phase. It is a period when you should stick to old process and line of work. Beyond May 17th, 2009 progress would be good and you will be more in control of events. Public interaction and ability to control others will rise.
Pressures in domestic / martial matters will remain till end August 2009. 10t September 2009, onwards there will be a rise in status although it would be more apparent to you after mid October 2009. This phase will see a rise in success, income, friends as well as status. Family life this year would be disturbed mostly, except between May and July 2009, when you will be happy mostly. Politics in family life will rise from November 2009. Be careful. Money matters will remain a cause of concern and a slide could occur between January to April 2009 and then after August 2009 till end of the year. You will feel stingy therefore will be careful of what you spend.
There will be a rise or addition in source of income after November 2009 commences. Investments could become a cause of concern phase of this year. Equity as well as any form of speculative investment should be avoided. You should be extra careful during January 2009 and ten again between 17th August 2009 and 6th October 2009. The year will be best in the last quarter while the first quarter could be tricky.
2009 Scorpio Love / Marriage Horoscope: 2009 would be a year of lower emphasis on marriage and romance in comparison to work & other areas of life. Love life would still be in a higher level of activity and could influence your career too between January 2009 & April 2009. Career pressures are likely to become a bone of contention in marital matters as well as in steady relationship. It would be more apparent between 1st January 2009 & 17th May 2009. Thinking about love & marriage would turn unconservative between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009.
It will not be advisable to take a major decision in this regard during this period. If unattached, you will find the social scene interesting and eventful between January & April. There would however not be much long term progress here Very interesting & positive trends will build up after 27th January 2009 till 31st May 2009. In between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009 you could think very turbulently and a short term romance is very much on the cards. Beyond June it would be a somewhat uneventful year. If in a relationship you could find the focus and temperament of both yourself & partner could shift. There would be some unconservative thoughts. You need to be patient and cross April 2009 to secure your relationship. Chances of a new attraction possible and also a short romance could come up.
You need to think clearly between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009. Better trends will operate beyond May. Love life will enter into a stable, stoic and steady phase after 5th October 2009. If married, this year will be positive mostly except between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009, when a whirlwind phase will start. You will experience higher level of romantic thoughts. A rethink on marriage could come but you should firmly put it out of your mind. Positive & stable trends could build up beyond May. Home building will be good between May & July. Unmarried people might not get many opportunities during this time.
2009 Scorpio Career Horoscope: Pressure in career will persist, as people in authority & effects of an adverse government order will bother you between Jan & 17th May. You could find a wrong step and decision between Jan & April could pull your position down. A position of trust you hold should be handled carefully as a false allegation or accusation of overstepping authority could be felt now. Career will take off majority once you cross 5th October 2009. Income, gains & a lot of positive events will take place in the last quarter of the year.
If in a business, the year will be prosperous but you could have problem in the premises or location where your business is conducted. An improvement in this regard could come after 17th May 2009. Growth will come due to your networking skills & marketing activities. A slowdown could come after 3rd November 2009 but an alternate source of income or an enhancement in the existing source will give you gains. An excellent phase after 5th October 2009. If in a job, there will be good growth and position of authority this year. You will have a good hold over subordinates. Change of location to more positive office or prestigious premises possible between May & July.
Income & status will look upwards after September 2009. There will be progress during February, June & after 6th October 2009. Avoid controversy /conflict with superiors between 24th May 2009 & 4th July 2009 as well as during 17th August 2009 & end September period. If working as a professional, you will find the going slow till end October, while you will find clients difficult and in an unstable mindset this year. This will be felt more till 17th May 2009. Improvements in support would come after October begins, while clarity and focus in work will come after 3rd November 2009.
Scorpio January Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 13th January 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 14thJanuary 2009.
Scorpio February Horoscope : Positive period till the 12th February 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 13th February 2009.
Scorpio March Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 14th March 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 15th March 2009.
Scorpio April Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 13th April 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 14th April 2009.
Scorpio May Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 14th May 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Scorpio June Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 14th June 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 15th June 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Scorpio July Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 15th July 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 16th July 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Scorpio August Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 16th August 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Scorpio September Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 16th September 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Scorpio October Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 16th October 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 17th October 2009.
Scorpio November Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 15th November 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 16th November 2009.
Scorpio December Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 15th December 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Libra
2009 Libra General: 2009 Would be a positive year again, although there would be more hurdles and pressures in comparison to 2007 and 2008. You will find the gains from all the effort of the last few years will mature now. There would however be a rise in your competition as well as some disruption in your area of work after 27th January 2009. This phase could be trying after 7th March 2009 till 19th April 2009. Major changes or risks should be avoided.
As the year progresses you will find your gains and progress would be in an accelerated motion. You will find the quantum of gains will be highest between May and August 2009. Throughout this period you will find lack of comfort and higher level of efforts for carrying out regular level of work. There will be discomfort in regular day to day work. Further you might be unfocused about your career as well as vision of how to proceed as you go along. This unsettled phase would continue till end October 2009. Beyond November 2009, you will find that work environment will expand. There will be more opportunities due to your networking skills.
Dynamism and hard work will be well rewarded after November 2009. The gainful period will operate till end August 2009 and thereafter a slow down and steady increase in expenses and a gradual slow down in monetary position will be felt. You should control your overheads and avoid any sort of property or stock related investments as there could be losses after September 2009 commences. Period beyond September 2009 till November 2011 is a phase when wealth should be conserved. New projects and investments should be conserved. Family life would be positive, although there could be sudden changes in family life (beyond your control) which could take you either physically or mentally away from family.
February, July and August 2009 are not good month for family happiness. Gains would be abundant. May 2009 to July 2009 will be a period of exceptional gains due to new ideas and your intelligence. Income will be very high till 10th September 2009 and experience a slow down thereafter. Old investment in real estate and equities will give you gains till end August 2009. Thereafter losses as well a slide in position in these areas would be felt after September 2009 commence. Speculation should be strictly avoided during March 2009 and April 2009 as well as during July 2009.
Health would be positive mostly except some unplanned events between January 2009 and April 2009 when you need to be cautious about upper abdomen. Children related happiness present between May 2009 and July 2009. If applicable, birth /conception of a child possible between May 2009 and July 2009. Most of the year would be positive, although you will find the challenges will rise after September 2009.
2009 Libra Love / Marriage Horoscope: Focus would still not be much on love and marriage matters this year due to exceptional level of activity in career and professional areas. You will find that the period between May 2009 & July 2009 will suddenly open up this avenue for you due to some activity in career and acquaintances that come up in professional circles Activity in love will play down further after 10th September 2009 although serious moves in love life could come up more from 20th December 2009.
If unattached, this year will be inactive mostly except between May & July when social opportunities could start looking serious. The period between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009 will see you confused and in a difficult mind set in matters of love. Socially you will have good period during January, July, August mid September & 10 October & November. This period will be exciting socially although not much progress towards a commitment can be expected. If in a relationship, these will be an eventful period. Socially as you will be active & involved 14th January 2009 to 17th May 2009 could be a volatile phase where you could have challenges adjusting with each other; although the social phase will remain positive.
There would be a good period between May & July when a positive step towards a higher level could be taken. However events after 16th June 2009 could slow down the process & reverse the initiative after August. . Distances could build up after 10th September 2009 and you will need to invest more in your relationship beyond period. If married, this year will be stable mostly. Events at home could be sudden and unexpected, although there will be positive & happy moves mostly. Marriage matters could be challenging for domestic matter during February, June & July It would be a positive phase thereafter. Unmarried people might not get much chances of marriage this year.
2009 Libra Career Horoscope: Career will be in a strong phase and the recent loss of position in 2008 will get restored this year. You will find your interaction as well as mass base would increase between Jan-April. May 2009 and July 2009 will see a sudden rise in status. You will find yourself powerful and in control of all you do at this time. A dip or slowdown could come after August commences. New avenues in career, networking as well as rise in activity will come after 3rd November 2009.
You should avoid making a change in career or technique of work till end October. If in a business, there will be growth and expansion due to increase in your contacts. There will be rise in gains and level of status of your business between May & July. New association could get you gains till 10th September 2009. New investments & monetary risks should be avoided once you cross 10th September 2009. Monetary pressures & increases in overhead possible beyond 5th October 2009.
You need to conserve your capital and avoid financial pressures till of the year. If in a job, you will find the activity level would be exceptionally high between Jan-April. You might end up taking sudden & unplanned step in work. Status will rise between May-July, although some contrary trends could come up after 16th June 2009. New ground in job areas could open up further from 3rd November 2009 which will increase your team size and number of subordinates. Status will rise too.
Chances of an overseas opportunity past 5th October 2009 for the next two years. If working as a professional, you will experience good level of gains & progress overall. Comfort and long term vision could however be missing. The best period for success would be between May & July. There could be dip in status after 10th September 2009 January, May & Sept could be turbulent.
Libra January Horoscope: Positive period till the 13th January 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 14th January 2009.
Libra February Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 12th February 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 13th February 2009.
Libra March Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 14th March 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 15th March 2009.
Libra April Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 13th April 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Libra May Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 14th May 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 15th May 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Libra June Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 14th June 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 15th June 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Libra July Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th July 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Libra August Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 16th August 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Libra September Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 16th September 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 17th September 2009.
Libra October Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 16th October 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 17th October 2009.
Libra November Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 15th November 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 16th November 2009.
Libra December Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 15th December 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 16th December 2009.
As the year progresses you will find your gains and progress would be in an accelerated motion. You will find the quantum of gains will be highest between May and August 2009. Throughout this period you will find lack of comfort and higher level of efforts for carrying out regular level of work. There will be discomfort in regular day to day work. Further you might be unfocused about your career as well as vision of how to proceed as you go along. This unsettled phase would continue till end October 2009. Beyond November 2009, you will find that work environment will expand. There will be more opportunities due to your networking skills.
Dynamism and hard work will be well rewarded after November 2009. The gainful period will operate till end August 2009 and thereafter a slow down and steady increase in expenses and a gradual slow down in monetary position will be felt. You should control your overheads and avoid any sort of property or stock related investments as there could be losses after September 2009 commences. Period beyond September 2009 till November 2011 is a phase when wealth should be conserved. New projects and investments should be conserved. Family life would be positive, although there could be sudden changes in family life (beyond your control) which could take you either physically or mentally away from family.
February, July and August 2009 are not good month for family happiness. Gains would be abundant. May 2009 to July 2009 will be a period of exceptional gains due to new ideas and your intelligence. Income will be very high till 10th September 2009 and experience a slow down thereafter. Old investment in real estate and equities will give you gains till end August 2009. Thereafter losses as well a slide in position in these areas would be felt after September 2009 commence. Speculation should be strictly avoided during March 2009 and April 2009 as well as during July 2009.
Health would be positive mostly except some unplanned events between January 2009 and April 2009 when you need to be cautious about upper abdomen. Children related happiness present between May 2009 and July 2009. If applicable, birth /conception of a child possible between May 2009 and July 2009. Most of the year would be positive, although you will find the challenges will rise after September 2009.
2009 Libra Love / Marriage Horoscope: Focus would still not be much on love and marriage matters this year due to exceptional level of activity in career and professional areas. You will find that the period between May 2009 & July 2009 will suddenly open up this avenue for you due to some activity in career and acquaintances that come up in professional circles Activity in love will play down further after 10th September 2009 although serious moves in love life could come up more from 20th December 2009.
If unattached, this year will be inactive mostly except between May & July when social opportunities could start looking serious. The period between 7th March 2009 & 19th April 2009 will see you confused and in a difficult mind set in matters of love. Socially you will have good period during January, July, August mid September & 10 October & November. This period will be exciting socially although not much progress towards a commitment can be expected. If in a relationship, these will be an eventful period. Socially as you will be active & involved 14th January 2009 to 17th May 2009 could be a volatile phase where you could have challenges adjusting with each other; although the social phase will remain positive.
There would be a good period between May & July when a positive step towards a higher level could be taken. However events after 16th June 2009 could slow down the process & reverse the initiative after August. . Distances could build up after 10th September 2009 and you will need to invest more in your relationship beyond period. If married, this year will be stable mostly. Events at home could be sudden and unexpected, although there will be positive & happy moves mostly. Marriage matters could be challenging for domestic matter during February, June & July It would be a positive phase thereafter. Unmarried people might not get much chances of marriage this year.
2009 Libra Career Horoscope: Career will be in a strong phase and the recent loss of position in 2008 will get restored this year. You will find your interaction as well as mass base would increase between Jan-April. May 2009 and July 2009 will see a sudden rise in status. You will find yourself powerful and in control of all you do at this time. A dip or slowdown could come after August commences. New avenues in career, networking as well as rise in activity will come after 3rd November 2009.
You should avoid making a change in career or technique of work till end October. If in a business, there will be growth and expansion due to increase in your contacts. There will be rise in gains and level of status of your business between May & July. New association could get you gains till 10th September 2009. New investments & monetary risks should be avoided once you cross 10th September 2009. Monetary pressures & increases in overhead possible beyond 5th October 2009.
You need to conserve your capital and avoid financial pressures till of the year. If in a job, you will find the activity level would be exceptionally high between Jan-April. You might end up taking sudden & unplanned step in work. Status will rise between May-July, although some contrary trends could come up after 16th June 2009. New ground in job areas could open up further from 3rd November 2009 which will increase your team size and number of subordinates. Status will rise too.
Chances of an overseas opportunity past 5th October 2009 for the next two years. If working as a professional, you will experience good level of gains & progress overall. Comfort and long term vision could however be missing. The best period for success would be between May & July. There could be dip in status after 10th September 2009 January, May & Sept could be turbulent.
Libra January Horoscope: Positive period till the 13th January 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 14th January 2009.
Libra February Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 12th February 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 13th February 2009.
Libra March Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 14th March 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 15th March 2009.
Libra April Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 13th April 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Libra May Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 14th May 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 15th May 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Libra June Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 14th June 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 15th June 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Libra July Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 15th July 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Libra August Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 16th August 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Libra September Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 16th September 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 17th September 2009.
Libra October Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 16th October 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 17th October 2009.
Libra November Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 15th November 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 16th November 2009.
Libra December Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 15th December 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Virgo
2009 Virgo General: 2009 Would be a mixed year for you. There will be a rise in position but there would be challenges overall to sustain yourself this year. As the year opens up, you would experience a rise in status and position. There would be higher position in public life as well as increase in happiness in marital matters. These events will come suddenly and you should take up the opportunity as soon as it presents itself up to April 2009.
Changes and more stability would come after May 2009 commences. This will further change your work environment and bring vibrancy in career and finances. Sudden setbacks and fall in status could come about between August 2009 and 17th October 2009 and thereafter you should be very conservative during the January 2009- July 2009 period.
Love life too could see some sudden moves and a serious relationship between January and April 2009. If applicable, you could get happiness from birth of a child or conception during the January - April 2009 period. Both love life and children related issues could see some minor setbacks after August 2009. You need to cautious in this regard till 17th October 2009. Further as the year commences, a financial crunch could be felt till 17th May 2009. There could be rise in expenses or disproportionate expenses and income. Love life could see some setbacks during this period too. Better prospects possible after 17th May 2009 till 9th September 2009. Thereafter you will feel more stoic outlook and hardening of attitude.
There would be more seriousness at work but challenges from detraction / competitions will be felt between 10th September 2009 and end of the year. Family life overall would be positive this year. There would be a prolonged phase of issues however between 25th January and 31st May 2009, due to family matters connected with family and spouse. Period between 7th March and 18th April 2009 could be challenging. Money matters would be difficult till 17th May 2009 although alternate avenues could now build up from the beginning of the year. You will find improvement in finances after 17th May 2009.
A more vibrant phase in money matters would be felt between May and July 2009. Income will be average and could be below expectations till end October 2009. Erratic trends in income could set in during January, May and September 2009. Investment should be handled very cautiously. You should avoid new investment at all times between January, April and after August till end of the year. Between May and July 2009, you could get gains from investment made in the past.
It is very unreliable period for investment till 3rd November 2009; at least mind could be passionate and depressive at times. You need to careful in this area till end October 2009 at least. November 2009 onwards a move of location or changes in career possible. You should take a decision on relocation or changes after due deliberation and under advice from people you trust. The year will be better but the challenges will remain mostly.
2009 Virgo Love / Marriage Horoscope : 2009 will bring changes in your mindset about the way you look at marriage and romance. Event would unfold unexpectedly and suddenly, not giving you adequate opportunity to think rationally or take a balanced decision. You could find sudden love in an unconventional situation between January 2009 and April 2009. You will need to be careful since the sudden attraction could turn into a source of heartburn and worry too, if you get attached too soon or too fast. More balanced phase will come after May beginning but some sudden issues are possible after between August beginning & 17th October 2009.
If unattached, you could find a sudden love interest till April 2009. You should go slow and avoid making any commitments before May. The love interest could be unorthodox and in places unexpected by you. The period between 27th January 2009 & 31st May 2009 could be challenging .Happiness could come during July, September, October & December. If you are in a relationship, this year will pose a lot of challenges. Current relationship could experience distances & hurdles between 1st January 2009 and 15th May 2009. Physical and mental distances both could crop up during this time.
A certain amount of disillusionment as well as a mental cutoff could be experienced now. Improvement will come after November 2009, although better and stable trends will come from 17th October 2009. You will be more focused & serious about love after October commences. If married, the year will see a rise in activity & move back to romance in marriage. There would be chances that you find a romantic interest outside of marriage. It will not last a long time or last out much. Overall marital matters will provide social satisfaction except between May 2009 & July 2009. Stable period will operate after 17th October 2009.
2009 Virgo Career Horoscope : 2009 will remain soft and not very productive for career progress. Doubts and lack of focus in work could jeopardize growth plans till end August 2009. September onwards you will be more focused and have a clearer vision for progress in career. There will be determination and ability to succeed. November onwards level of comfort at home as well as work environment could dip. You might also find your level of conviction in what you are doing will go down and you could seek change on a sub conscious level; It would be useful however to continue with what you are doing and avoid a change in career past November. If in a business, there will be sudden new plans and growth opportunities.
There will be gains and positive energy due to this between Jan-April .Overall however it would be better to stick to a conservative policy as the changes and work done up to April , could slowdown after May 2009 and further a setback or change in circumstances could come beyond august which could put pressure on business . Competition in business could put pressure on profits after 5th October 2009. If in a job, you will be low profile and not in the lime light till 10th September 2009. Thereafter you will find a surge in your determination and hard work. Progress could come thereafter There will be expansion in work environment between May and July. Activity level will rise after 16th June 2009 but you should remain conservative mostly. If working as a professional, you will find your status and position will rise.
Work environment will be in a state of flux which could make you move towards a wrong decision till 17th May 2009. In between period between 7th March 2009 and 19th August 2009 could increase activity due to a new association / partnership. You need to be very careful that this association is not harmful to your career. Better prospects & growth will come in June & July. Further October & November will be good for profession too.
Virgo January Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 13th January 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 14th January 2009.
Virgo February Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 12th February 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 13th February 2009.
Virgo March Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 14th March 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Virgo April Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 13th April 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 14th April 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Virgo May Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 14th May 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 15th May 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Virgo June Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 14th June 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Virgo July Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th July 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Virgo August Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 16th August 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 17th August 2009.
Virgo September Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 16th September 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 17th September 2009.
Virgo October Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 16th October 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 17th October 2009.
Virgo November Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 15th November 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 16th November 2009.
Virgo December Horoscope : Positive period till the 15th December 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 16th December 2009.
Changes and more stability would come after May 2009 commences. This will further change your work environment and bring vibrancy in career and finances. Sudden setbacks and fall in status could come about between August 2009 and 17th October 2009 and thereafter you should be very conservative during the January 2009- July 2009 period.
Love life too could see some sudden moves and a serious relationship between January and April 2009. If applicable, you could get happiness from birth of a child or conception during the January - April 2009 period. Both love life and children related issues could see some minor setbacks after August 2009. You need to cautious in this regard till 17th October 2009. Further as the year commences, a financial crunch could be felt till 17th May 2009. There could be rise in expenses or disproportionate expenses and income. Love life could see some setbacks during this period too. Better prospects possible after 17th May 2009 till 9th September 2009. Thereafter you will feel more stoic outlook and hardening of attitude.
There would be more seriousness at work but challenges from detraction / competitions will be felt between 10th September 2009 and end of the year. Family life overall would be positive this year. There would be a prolonged phase of issues however between 25th January and 31st May 2009, due to family matters connected with family and spouse. Period between 7th March and 18th April 2009 could be challenging. Money matters would be difficult till 17th May 2009 although alternate avenues could now build up from the beginning of the year. You will find improvement in finances after 17th May 2009.
A more vibrant phase in money matters would be felt between May and July 2009. Income will be average and could be below expectations till end October 2009. Erratic trends in income could set in during January, May and September 2009. Investment should be handled very cautiously. You should avoid new investment at all times between January, April and after August till end of the year. Between May and July 2009, you could get gains from investment made in the past.
It is very unreliable period for investment till 3rd November 2009; at least mind could be passionate and depressive at times. You need to careful in this area till end October 2009 at least. November 2009 onwards a move of location or changes in career possible. You should take a decision on relocation or changes after due deliberation and under advice from people you trust. The year will be better but the challenges will remain mostly.
2009 Virgo Love / Marriage Horoscope : 2009 will bring changes in your mindset about the way you look at marriage and romance. Event would unfold unexpectedly and suddenly, not giving you adequate opportunity to think rationally or take a balanced decision. You could find sudden love in an unconventional situation between January 2009 and April 2009. You will need to be careful since the sudden attraction could turn into a source of heartburn and worry too, if you get attached too soon or too fast. More balanced phase will come after May beginning but some sudden issues are possible after between August beginning & 17th October 2009.
If unattached, you could find a sudden love interest till April 2009. You should go slow and avoid making any commitments before May. The love interest could be unorthodox and in places unexpected by you. The period between 27th January 2009 & 31st May 2009 could be challenging .Happiness could come during July, September, October & December. If you are in a relationship, this year will pose a lot of challenges. Current relationship could experience distances & hurdles between 1st January 2009 and 15th May 2009. Physical and mental distances both could crop up during this time.
A certain amount of disillusionment as well as a mental cutoff could be experienced now. Improvement will come after November 2009, although better and stable trends will come from 17th October 2009. You will be more focused & serious about love after October commences. If married, the year will see a rise in activity & move back to romance in marriage. There would be chances that you find a romantic interest outside of marriage. It will not last a long time or last out much. Overall marital matters will provide social satisfaction except between May 2009 & July 2009. Stable period will operate after 17th October 2009.
2009 Virgo Career Horoscope : 2009 will remain soft and not very productive for career progress. Doubts and lack of focus in work could jeopardize growth plans till end August 2009. September onwards you will be more focused and have a clearer vision for progress in career. There will be determination and ability to succeed. November onwards level of comfort at home as well as work environment could dip. You might also find your level of conviction in what you are doing will go down and you could seek change on a sub conscious level; It would be useful however to continue with what you are doing and avoid a change in career past November. If in a business, there will be sudden new plans and growth opportunities.
There will be gains and positive energy due to this between Jan-April .Overall however it would be better to stick to a conservative policy as the changes and work done up to April , could slowdown after May 2009 and further a setback or change in circumstances could come beyond august which could put pressure on business . Competition in business could put pressure on profits after 5th October 2009. If in a job, you will be low profile and not in the lime light till 10th September 2009. Thereafter you will find a surge in your determination and hard work. Progress could come thereafter There will be expansion in work environment between May and July. Activity level will rise after 16th June 2009 but you should remain conservative mostly. If working as a professional, you will find your status and position will rise.
Work environment will be in a state of flux which could make you move towards a wrong decision till 17th May 2009. In between period between 7th March 2009 and 19th August 2009 could increase activity due to a new association / partnership. You need to be very careful that this association is not harmful to your career. Better prospects & growth will come in June & July. Further October & November will be good for profession too.
Virgo January Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 13th January 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 14th January 2009.
Virgo February Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 12th February 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 13th February 2009.
Virgo March Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 14th March 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Virgo April Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 13th April 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 14th April 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Virgo May Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 14th May 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 15th May 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Virgo June Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 14th June 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Virgo July Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 15th July 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Virgo August Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 16th August 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 17th August 2009.
Virgo September Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 16th September 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 17th September 2009.
Virgo October Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 16th October 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 17th October 2009.
Virgo November Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 15th November 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 16th November 2009.
Virgo December Horoscope : Positive period till the 15th December 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Leo
2009 Leo General: 2009 would be an eventful year for you although there would be some rise in hurdles in comparison to last two years. You still run a powerful phase, although there would be personal pressures at all times. Family life, marital matters, joint areas of work as well as personal life could be trying till the 17th of May 2009. You will find your focus would be high but dealing with work pressures as well as people around you will rise. Work environment will change rapidly and you will not be able to do much. It would be useful to go with the flow and not create too many hurdles in the process of change.
The overall scenario will turn good after May 2009 commences. Marital/ family life wills pickup between May and July 2009, while now ideas / partnerships could also come about. If unmarried, strong chances of a sudden marriage proposal present between 16th June 2009 and 31st July 2009. Health and career could suffer some unexpected reversals between 1st August 2009 and 17th October 2009. You should handle this period with caution. Confrontation with seniors is avoidable till 20th December 2009. Status and career will still remain in a powerful phase till 9th September 2009. You will be focused and dynamic in whatever you do till this period. 10th September 2009 onwards some pressure on account of family life could begin.
There could be monetary pressures too. You should be conservative in speech, family life and monetary commitments till end of the year. Money matters will be quite positive as the year commences. There will be good luck and gains till end August 2009. 10th September 2009 onwards you will find monetary pressures will rise. A gradual increase in outflows will be felt and you need to be conservative overall in this regard till end of the year. Income will be quite positive throughout. There will be an exceptional rise between May 2009 and July 2009. You will feel erratic phase during January, May and September 2009. Investment would remain unreliable mostly this year.
There would be sudden new events in investments. New investment should be totally avoided since these options could be misleading and unreliable mostly. Some improvement could come between May and July 2009, when you can rationalize your exposure. There could be issues again after September 2009 commences. Despite all events work will remain dynamic and positive till end October 2009. 3rd November 2009 onwards you could find pessimism in work as well as love life.
It is a time to view work and other avenues of life more conservatively. Love life and investment could cause worry after 3rd November 2009. Worries connected with children could go up also after 3rd November 2009. At the beginning of the year 7th March to 19th April 2009 could bring volatile trends in career. It would be useful to avoid major changes during this phase. You will find the year would be more challenging towards the end compared to the beginning. It would be useful to remain as conservative as possible this year.
2009 Leo Love / Marriage Horoscope: The focus and emphasis would move away from love and marriage towards more of work and career. Relationships during this year will be on a lower priority except between May 2009 and July 2009, when there will be a sudden move towards commitment. Unmarried people could move towards marriage and commitment too. Period beyond 3rd November 2009 could pose challenges in relationships as well as marriages. It is a period when you could be disillusioned in love matters.
You should be careful in relationships after the 3rd November 2009. If unattached, love life would be interesting mostly this year, although there would not be many occasions for a serious relationship. You will find the social scene more interesting than romance. Activity level will be serious between May 2009 and July 2009 more after 16th June 2009, although there might not be much serious progress. Hurdles in getting a serious break through will remain between February and May 2009. June, August, 16th September to 10th October and November 2009 would be very positive. Rest would be a slow period during this year.
If in a relationship, it would come off the peak period experienced in 2008. Some distances and doubts could crop up between January and April 2009 due to sudden change in circumstances. There will be move, thereafter towards stability and commitment between May 2009 and July 2009. However August 2009 onwards a reversal of sorts could come about. You need to work on your relationship this year mostly. Serious positive moves possible during April 2009 and August 2009. If married, this year will open up with a somewhat volatile and fluctuation temperament of spouse. You will find an attempt by spouse to control or influence you. A somewhat strained period could operate till 17th May 2009.
Further however you will find mitigating and positive trends will operate from May 2009 beginning till end July 2009 which will make marriage positive and blissful. August 2009 onwards till 5th October 2009 will not be easy. Direct struggle with spouse will end from 10th September 2009, although issues with family due to spouse could crop up. Mostly a year of caution for you in marital matters.
2009 Leo Career Horoscope : Career will remain high on activity as well as priority this year. You will be work oriented and positive mostly till 10th September 2009. There will be a high level of efforts and energy into what you do. Work area could experience politics but there will be growth too. Career will get into a difficult but progressive phase between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009. You will experience a hyperactive phase between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009.
You should work hard but not try to change the career path during this time. If in a business, you will remain ultra focused but under stress during the period till 17th May 2009. If you work with partners or associates, the relations could be strained and stressed mostly till 17th May 2009 too. Still due to hard work and a positive impact mostly, progress and gains in career will continue. 10th September 2009 onwards there would be a slowdown in work and hurdles could be experienced.
High expenses and some waste in business could come also. Overheads would rise and reach unreasonable level after 3rd November 2009. If in a job, there will be a high stress and pressure from superiors till the 17th May 2009. Changes in job environment could come suddenly and you might feel the need to take a challenge or major decision. It is not advised that you do so before 17th May 2009. Improvements will come after May 2009 begins but a rise in pressures and some setbacks due to actions of the January and April 2009 phase could come after August 2009 commences. The period till 17th October 2009 could be trying still.
A latent support of a superior could go away by end October 2009 which might create issues in job environment. If working as a professional, you will have an average year mostly. Pressures will remain till 17th May 2009 but progress will come too. February, July, August and September 2009 would be gainful, while a dip could come post October 2009.
Leo January Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 13th January 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 14th January 2009.
Leo February Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 12th February 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Leo March Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 14th March 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 15th March 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Leo April Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 13th April 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 14th April 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Leo May Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 14th May 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month. Leo June Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 14th June 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Leo July Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 15th July 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 16th July 2009.
Leo August Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 16th August 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 17th August 2009.
Leo September Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 16th September 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 17th September 2009.
Leo October Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 16th October 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 17th October 2009.
Leo November Horoscope : Positive period till the 15th November 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 16th November 2009.
Leo December Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 15th December 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 16th December 2009.
The overall scenario will turn good after May 2009 commences. Marital/ family life wills pickup between May and July 2009, while now ideas / partnerships could also come about. If unmarried, strong chances of a sudden marriage proposal present between 16th June 2009 and 31st July 2009. Health and career could suffer some unexpected reversals between 1st August 2009 and 17th October 2009. You should handle this period with caution. Confrontation with seniors is avoidable till 20th December 2009. Status and career will still remain in a powerful phase till 9th September 2009. You will be focused and dynamic in whatever you do till this period. 10th September 2009 onwards some pressure on account of family life could begin.
There could be monetary pressures too. You should be conservative in speech, family life and monetary commitments till end of the year. Money matters will be quite positive as the year commences. There will be good luck and gains till end August 2009. 10th September 2009 onwards you will find monetary pressures will rise. A gradual increase in outflows will be felt and you need to be conservative overall in this regard till end of the year. Income will be quite positive throughout. There will be an exceptional rise between May 2009 and July 2009. You will feel erratic phase during January, May and September 2009. Investment would remain unreliable mostly this year.
There would be sudden new events in investments. New investment should be totally avoided since these options could be misleading and unreliable mostly. Some improvement could come between May and July 2009, when you can rationalize your exposure. There could be issues again after September 2009 commences. Despite all events work will remain dynamic and positive till end October 2009. 3rd November 2009 onwards you could find pessimism in work as well as love life.
It is a time to view work and other avenues of life more conservatively. Love life and investment could cause worry after 3rd November 2009. Worries connected with children could go up also after 3rd November 2009. At the beginning of the year 7th March to 19th April 2009 could bring volatile trends in career. It would be useful to avoid major changes during this phase. You will find the year would be more challenging towards the end compared to the beginning. It would be useful to remain as conservative as possible this year.
2009 Leo Love / Marriage Horoscope: The focus and emphasis would move away from love and marriage towards more of work and career. Relationships during this year will be on a lower priority except between May 2009 and July 2009, when there will be a sudden move towards commitment. Unmarried people could move towards marriage and commitment too. Period beyond 3rd November 2009 could pose challenges in relationships as well as marriages. It is a period when you could be disillusioned in love matters.
You should be careful in relationships after the 3rd November 2009. If unattached, love life would be interesting mostly this year, although there would not be many occasions for a serious relationship. You will find the social scene more interesting than romance. Activity level will be serious between May 2009 and July 2009 more after 16th June 2009, although there might not be much serious progress. Hurdles in getting a serious break through will remain between February and May 2009. June, August, 16th September to 10th October and November 2009 would be very positive. Rest would be a slow period during this year.
If in a relationship, it would come off the peak period experienced in 2008. Some distances and doubts could crop up between January and April 2009 due to sudden change in circumstances. There will be move, thereafter towards stability and commitment between May 2009 and July 2009. However August 2009 onwards a reversal of sorts could come about. You need to work on your relationship this year mostly. Serious positive moves possible during April 2009 and August 2009. If married, this year will open up with a somewhat volatile and fluctuation temperament of spouse. You will find an attempt by spouse to control or influence you. A somewhat strained period could operate till 17th May 2009.
Further however you will find mitigating and positive trends will operate from May 2009 beginning till end July 2009 which will make marriage positive and blissful. August 2009 onwards till 5th October 2009 will not be easy. Direct struggle with spouse will end from 10th September 2009, although issues with family due to spouse could crop up. Mostly a year of caution for you in marital matters.
2009 Leo Career Horoscope : Career will remain high on activity as well as priority this year. You will be work oriented and positive mostly till 10th September 2009. There will be a high level of efforts and energy into what you do. Work area could experience politics but there will be growth too. Career will get into a difficult but progressive phase between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009. You will experience a hyperactive phase between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009.
You should work hard but not try to change the career path during this time. If in a business, you will remain ultra focused but under stress during the period till 17th May 2009. If you work with partners or associates, the relations could be strained and stressed mostly till 17th May 2009 too. Still due to hard work and a positive impact mostly, progress and gains in career will continue. 10th September 2009 onwards there would be a slowdown in work and hurdles could be experienced.
High expenses and some waste in business could come also. Overheads would rise and reach unreasonable level after 3rd November 2009. If in a job, there will be a high stress and pressure from superiors till the 17th May 2009. Changes in job environment could come suddenly and you might feel the need to take a challenge or major decision. It is not advised that you do so before 17th May 2009. Improvements will come after May 2009 begins but a rise in pressures and some setbacks due to actions of the January and April 2009 phase could come after August 2009 commences. The period till 17th October 2009 could be trying still.
A latent support of a superior could go away by end October 2009 which might create issues in job environment. If working as a professional, you will have an average year mostly. Pressures will remain till 17th May 2009 but progress will come too. February, July, August and September 2009 would be gainful, while a dip could come post October 2009.
Leo January Horoscope : Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 13th January 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 14th January 2009.
Leo February Horoscope : Positive and eventful period till the 12th February 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Leo March Horoscope : Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 14th March 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 15th March 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Leo April Horoscope : Low activity and energy phase till the 13th April 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 14th April 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Leo May Horoscope : Average luck and creativity till 14th May 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month. Leo June Horoscope : Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 14th June 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Leo July Horoscope : Positive period for money and social events till 15th July 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 16th July 2009.
Leo August Horoscope : Slow and difficult period till the 16th August 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 17th August 2009.
Leo September Horoscope : Creative and high activity phase till the 16th September 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 17th September 2009.
Leo October Horoscope : Issues in family life till the 16th October 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 17th October 2009.
Leo November Horoscope : Positive period till the 15th November 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 16th November 2009.
Leo December Horoscope : Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 15th December 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Cancer
2009 Cancer General: 2009 Would be a positive year. As you find the year progressing there will be gradual improvements over the last two years. You will find new opportunities in career as well as better luck. Some unexpected and sudden events could take place till the end of April 2009 in marital matters as well as career, if you are in business. If unmarried, there could be sudden marriage opportunity in the first four months. You should weigh your options well as this could be a hasty decision which you could regret in the long term. The opportunities if it does not materialize could pause after May 2009 starts and could come back with a lot of intensity after you have had an opportunity to rethink once August 2009 starts. Thereafter very high chances will exist till 17th October 2009 and still good chances till 20th December 2009.
New associations and partnerships could be formed in profession as well as personal life too. Sudden opportunity for travel could come up also between January 2009- April 2009 and August 2009- October 2009. Health related issues could come up (minor) between May and July 2009. Possibility of purchase of a real estate property present between May and July 2009. 16th June 2009 onwards sudden events towards an investment are possible. Family life would remain a cause of concern this year till 9th September 2009.
You will find rapport and relationship would be poor in this regard. Expenses and Monetary pressures on account of family too would be high. The phase between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009 could be particularly trying to you. You need to watch your speech as wrong things you say could spoil family relations. Improvement will be present after 10th September 2009. Money matters would be difficult till end August 2009 also. There would be expenses due to health matters of family members. Wasteful expenses possible also. Spouse and Spouse's family could be a drain on money, besides unexpected and unplanned expenses. This could be more difficult till 17th May 2009. Income would be good mostly.
There will be very good gains between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009. Period 7th March 2009 to 19th April 2009 will see an upward spike in income. Investments would be average mostly. You should avoid any new investments till 17th May 2009. There could be some gains till April 2009 from existing investments. You should cash the gains if possible. Speculation of any sort should be avoided. Any money handling should be done under professional supervision. Relations with business partners and spouse could be deceptive mostly till 3rd November 2009. You should take care to keep the communication channels open and be aware of what is going on in your partner's mind. Health, also positive, will remain erratic in the first half of the year. You need to be careful. Chances in line of work as well as work environment could come up after November commences.
There will be rise in unnecessary and uncontrolled expenses during November - December period. Major decisions should be taken after due consultation till end October 2009. Career will take a leap forward after 10th September 2009. There will be a quantum leap in confidence too. The year will pickup after August 2009 and be quite favorable by the time you reach end of the year.
2009 Cancer Love / Marriage Horoscope: 2009 would be quite an eventful year. You will find sudden and unexpected events would occur in love life as well as marital matters, if you are married. January - April 2009 would bring the maximum changes, which would be sudden and mostly beyond your control. You would do well to proceed with caution and avoid any commitment or making a move as such till May 2009 begins. Any decisions or moves made during this time could come back to revisit you after August 2009 till 20th December 2009.
A certain degree of unorthodox thinking as well as lack of willingness to follow social norms in relationships will prevail till end October 2009. It would be useful to remain cautious and within the times. If you are unattached, a new person could come unexpected and unannounced on the horizon between January - April 2009. The need to move forward could be fast and sudden. You should remain open but avoid getting swept at your feet between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. There will be another opportunity, more serious and steady after August 2009 till December 2009.
This time round you could consider commitment or marriage. Love life would be interesting most except during June, August and December 2009. If in a relationship, a third angle could open up to April 2009. You need to be calm and weed out the problems, rather than jumping to conclusions. There will be improvements after 17th May 2009. Issues could be high between 28th January and 8th March 2009, June 2009 and beyond 8th October 2009. A move towards commitment and marriage could come this year too, although stable trends will have to wait till period beyond 17th October 2009. Marital matters will be difficult. Temperament of spouse will be tough between 1st January and 17th May 2009.
You could find hurdles and distances within family too. An outside influence on marriage cannot be ruled out till October 2009 end, although effects would be highest till 30th April 2009. Improvements will come after 17th May 2009 but sudden events of January to April 2009 period could revisit you between August 2009 and 20th December 2009. Be careful most of the time this year. If unmarried, chances of a sudden marriage will remain throughout.
2009 Cancer Career: 2009 would begin with some unplanned and misleading trends which might take you on an unexpected career path initially. There could be opportunities for a new venture in association with a partner too. You should however exercise caution since the efforts and work done now might not bear fruit. This period of caution should operate till April 2009. Thereafter a slow phase will run till September 2009. Beyond September 2009 career will pickup majorly and also there would be new activity in work areas beyond November 2009. 2009 would turn positive and dynamic after September 2009.
If you are in a business, then a sudden partnership or joint venture opportunity could come up between January and April 2009. The project might be a hasty one and not very well thought out. It would be useful to keep your exposure level down till you cross end May 2009. A slowdown will come after May begins, while 17th May 2009 onwards there would be better clarity and clearer vision in business. New areas of growth would come beyond 10th September 2009 while a dynamic and positive phase in business will come after 3rd November 2009. If in a job, you could change or modify your time of work suddenly. It would be useful to seek expert advice before such a move is made since period beyond May 2009 could make you regret your decision.
There will be a turbulent phase in job after 16th June 2009 till 17th October 2009. Avoid issues in work environment. Better control and status with your sub-ordinates could come after 10th September 2009. Work area will experience politics and an expansion after November 2009. If working as a professional, you will experience a gainful year except between May and July 2009. There would be unplanned and not fully thought out projects. It would be useful to seek expert advice before you embark on new projects.
Cancer January Horoscope:Positive and eventful period till the 13th January 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Cancer February Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 12th February 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 13th February 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Cancer March Horoscope:Low activity and energy phase till the 14th March 2009 luck will rise too.
Cancer April Horoscope:Average luck and creativity till 13th April 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Cancer May Horoscope:Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 14th May 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Cancer June Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 14th June 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 15th June 2009.
Cancer July Horoscope:Slow and difficult period till the 15th July 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 16th July 2009.
Cancer August Horoscope:Creative and high activity phase till the 16th August 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 17th August 2009.
Cancer September Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 16th September 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 17th September 2009.
ancer October Horoscope:Positive period till the 16th October 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 17th October 2009.
Cancer November Horoscope:Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 15th November 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 16th November 2009.
Cancer December Horoscope:Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th December 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th December 2009.
New associations and partnerships could be formed in profession as well as personal life too. Sudden opportunity for travel could come up also between January 2009- April 2009 and August 2009- October 2009. Health related issues could come up (minor) between May and July 2009. Possibility of purchase of a real estate property present between May and July 2009. 16th June 2009 onwards sudden events towards an investment are possible. Family life would remain a cause of concern this year till 9th September 2009.
You will find rapport and relationship would be poor in this regard. Expenses and Monetary pressures on account of family too would be high. The phase between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009 could be particularly trying to you. You need to watch your speech as wrong things you say could spoil family relations. Improvement will be present after 10th September 2009. Money matters would be difficult till end August 2009 also. There would be expenses due to health matters of family members. Wasteful expenses possible also. Spouse and Spouse's family could be a drain on money, besides unexpected and unplanned expenses. This could be more difficult till 17th May 2009. Income would be good mostly.
There will be very good gains between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009. Period 7th March 2009 to 19th April 2009 will see an upward spike in income. Investments would be average mostly. You should avoid any new investments till 17th May 2009. There could be some gains till April 2009 from existing investments. You should cash the gains if possible. Speculation of any sort should be avoided. Any money handling should be done under professional supervision. Relations with business partners and spouse could be deceptive mostly till 3rd November 2009. You should take care to keep the communication channels open and be aware of what is going on in your partner's mind. Health, also positive, will remain erratic in the first half of the year. You need to be careful. Chances in line of work as well as work environment could come up after November commences.
There will be rise in unnecessary and uncontrolled expenses during November - December period. Major decisions should be taken after due consultation till end October 2009. Career will take a leap forward after 10th September 2009. There will be a quantum leap in confidence too. The year will pickup after August 2009 and be quite favorable by the time you reach end of the year.
2009 Cancer Love / Marriage Horoscope: 2009 would be quite an eventful year. You will find sudden and unexpected events would occur in love life as well as marital matters, if you are married. January - April 2009 would bring the maximum changes, which would be sudden and mostly beyond your control. You would do well to proceed with caution and avoid any commitment or making a move as such till May 2009 begins. Any decisions or moves made during this time could come back to revisit you after August 2009 till 20th December 2009.
A certain degree of unorthodox thinking as well as lack of willingness to follow social norms in relationships will prevail till end October 2009. It would be useful to remain cautious and within the times. If you are unattached, a new person could come unexpected and unannounced on the horizon between January - April 2009. The need to move forward could be fast and sudden. You should remain open but avoid getting swept at your feet between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. There will be another opportunity, more serious and steady after August 2009 till December 2009.
This time round you could consider commitment or marriage. Love life would be interesting most except during June, August and December 2009. If in a relationship, a third angle could open up to April 2009. You need to be calm and weed out the problems, rather than jumping to conclusions. There will be improvements after 17th May 2009. Issues could be high between 28th January and 8th March 2009, June 2009 and beyond 8th October 2009. A move towards commitment and marriage could come this year too, although stable trends will have to wait till period beyond 17th October 2009. Marital matters will be difficult. Temperament of spouse will be tough between 1st January and 17th May 2009.
You could find hurdles and distances within family too. An outside influence on marriage cannot be ruled out till October 2009 end, although effects would be highest till 30th April 2009. Improvements will come after 17th May 2009 but sudden events of January to April 2009 period could revisit you between August 2009 and 20th December 2009. Be careful most of the time this year. If unmarried, chances of a sudden marriage will remain throughout.
2009 Cancer Career: 2009 would begin with some unplanned and misleading trends which might take you on an unexpected career path initially. There could be opportunities for a new venture in association with a partner too. You should however exercise caution since the efforts and work done now might not bear fruit. This period of caution should operate till April 2009. Thereafter a slow phase will run till September 2009. Beyond September 2009 career will pickup majorly and also there would be new activity in work areas beyond November 2009. 2009 would turn positive and dynamic after September 2009.
If you are in a business, then a sudden partnership or joint venture opportunity could come up between January and April 2009. The project might be a hasty one and not very well thought out. It would be useful to keep your exposure level down till you cross end May 2009. A slowdown will come after May begins, while 17th May 2009 onwards there would be better clarity and clearer vision in business. New areas of growth would come beyond 10th September 2009 while a dynamic and positive phase in business will come after 3rd November 2009. If in a job, you could change or modify your time of work suddenly. It would be useful to seek expert advice before such a move is made since period beyond May 2009 could make you regret your decision.
There will be a turbulent phase in job after 16th June 2009 till 17th October 2009. Avoid issues in work environment. Better control and status with your sub-ordinates could come after 10th September 2009. Work area will experience politics and an expansion after November 2009. If working as a professional, you will experience a gainful year except between May and July 2009. There would be unplanned and not fully thought out projects. It would be useful to seek expert advice before you embark on new projects.
Cancer January Horoscope:Positive and eventful period till the 13th January 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Cancer February Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 12th February 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 13th February 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Cancer March Horoscope:Low activity and energy phase till the 14th March 2009 luck will rise too.
Cancer April Horoscope:Average luck and creativity till 13th April 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Cancer May Horoscope:Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 14th May 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Cancer June Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 14th June 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 15th June 2009.
Cancer July Horoscope:Slow and difficult period till the 15th July 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 16th July 2009.
Cancer August Horoscope:Creative and high activity phase till the 16th August 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 17th August 2009.
Cancer September Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 16th September 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 17th September 2009.
ancer October Horoscope:Positive period till the 16th October 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 17th October 2009.
Cancer November Horoscope:Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 15th November 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 16th November 2009.
Cancer December Horoscope:Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th December 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th December 2009.
Horoscope year 2009 - Germini
2009 Gemini General: 2009 would be a positive year still although level of hurdles would seem to rise as the year commences. There could be a dip in personal relations and status overall between January and April 2009. You will find sudden unexpected events will take place during this period which could impact life out of the blue. Domestic life and career would be impacted most. Relations with siblings could take a down turn as soon as the year starts and there will be issues till the 17th May 2009. Overall rapport would improve from 10th September 2009. Further there would be multiple occasions when outlook and thinking could be volatile and muddled up. The phases are 12th January to 1st February 2009, 8th May to 30th May 2009, 5th September to 27th September 2009. Please avoid any major decisions during this time and remain conservative.
Major challenges should be avoided too. Health could be lower than usual at this time till April 2009. Thereafter you will find a sudden rise in health and status too. Level of luck will be good also during this period, i.e. till end July 2009. August 2009 till December 2009 will see a slide down and there would be some setbacks due to events that occurred between January and April 2009.Hurdles in health matters could remain till October 2009. You will find this period gainful from business.
There will be gain from partners as well as spouse. A more stable phase would operate from 20th December 2009. Career and general work environment would be vibrant now. There will be heightened activity between January and 17th May 2009. New projects and plans should be avoided. Existing areas will take off now. Travel could rise during this period. There will be changes in home environment and chances of a move after 10th September 2009. Work environment could become tougher too. Avoid rash or sudden decisions in career as there could be set backs due to this. Money matters would cause concern mostly as a steady drain on finances due to family as well as other old commitments could continue. This phase will end on 2nd November 2009 and thereafter would give way to better finances as the rest of the year progresses. Income would be average.
There will be good phases between 15th April and 4th July 2009. Losses due to speculation or extravagance could come after 6th October 2009. You should be extra careful during this time as monetary losses could be high. Investment of any sort should be avoided till October end 2009. As mentioned 6th October 2009 till end of the year is not good for speculation Blocks in investment could be felt between 27th January and 31st May 2009. You will find the year is positive between May and July 2009. Rest there would be hurdles and challenges.
2009 Gemini Love / Marriage Horoscope: 2009 would not be an easy month in love and marriage matters. There will be a rush of events which you might not be prepared for as the year opens. Subconscious could be disturbed and unreliable till October 2009 due to which decision making in love life and marriage could be unreliable. November 2009 onwards your thinking will be unstable and confusion in area of relationships could come up.
A new person could come up on the horizon which could bring confusion and distance in existing relationships. Period of caution after November 2009 overall. If unattached, the year will not hold much promise till October 2009. You will find a brief window of success in love life between June and July 2009. Blocks in social opportunity and love life in general due to ego and career pressures could come up between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009. Period between 7th March and 19th April 2009 could be particularly difficult.
You will find a new person on the horizon after 3rd November 2009 for a new relationship. 2010 would be eventful on this account mostly. Love life will be positive during January, July, August and November 2009. If in a relationship, you will find the year low on activity. There would be issues between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009 as blocks and hurdles could build up due to ego and pressures at work. A very trying and difficult time possible between 7th March 2009 and 18th April 2009. Improvements and commitment for a short period between May 2009 and July 2009 possible. Some new trends could crop up after 3rd November 2009.
You need to remember your priorities thereafter. If married, a tough period will operate between January and April 2009. You could find relations and rapport could suffer. Sudden conflicts and events beyond you control could put pressure on your marriage. Improvement, rise in luck and happiness could come beyond May till July 2009. A slide down and dip could come thereafter between August and December 2009. Period till 17th October 2009 could be trying. An outside in interest in marriage could build up after November 2009. Unmarried could find marriage after November 2009.
2009 Gemini Career Horoscope: Career will open with a slight drop in outlook as the year commences and a loss in position could remain till April 2009 end. May 2009 onwards progress would be felt due to higher level of luck and success from overseas sources. There will be good progress between May2009 and July 2009. Further a block in career due to competition in work as well as fall in public opinion against you possible between 27th January and 31st May 2009. In between 7th March and 18th April 2009 could be trying.
A sudden slump in position could come again after August 2009 commences. There will be issues connected with events of January to April 2009. These issues could create problem, more till 13th October 2009. Not an easy period after August 2009 till 20th December 2009. A dynamic phase would operate in career between 15th March and 24th May 2009. If in a business, the year could start on a low note. There could be an overall slowdown although gains would come due to effort and work of partners.
Luck and progress will rise after May till July 2009. Some new ideas and method of work could come up after 16th June 2009, which will change the basic work pattern. These ideas would be successful till July 2009 end but could backfire once August 2009 commences. It would be useful to remain cautious in this regard mostly. Business would be better next year. If in a job, there will be good progress, although work environment could be disturbed and your down line people could have issues between January and 17th May 2009. Anger and short tempered behavior should be guarded against up to 7th March 2009.
Progress and gains would be good from 8th March 2009 till 4th July 2009. Very good progress would be possible between 15th April and 24th May 2009. Job position however would be good till 9th September 2009 and look downwards thereafter. If working as a professional, there will be very good progress due to your hard work, dynamism and networking skills. There could be fluctuations overall till 17th May 2009 but progress will be maintained. It is a positive phase till end August 2009, with very good gains between May and July 2009. Improvement in your power of planning and better perspective of work will come after November 2009 commences. Very good results in profession would come after 20th December 2009.
Gemini January Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 13th January 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 14th January 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Gemini February Horoscope:Low activity and energy phase till the 12th February 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 13th February 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Gemini March Horoscope:Average luck and creativity till 14th March 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Gemini April Horoscope:Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 13th April 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Gemini May Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 14th May 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 15th May 2009.
Gemini June Horoscope:Slow and difficult period till the 14th June 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 15th June 2009.
Gemini July Horoscope:Creative and high activity phase till the 15th July 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 16th July 2009.
Gemini August Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 16th August 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 17th August 2009.
Gemini September Horoscope:Positive period till the 16th September 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 17th September 2009.
Gemini October Horoscope:Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 16th October 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 17th October 2009.
Gemini November Horoscope:Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th November 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th November 2009.
Gemini December Horoscope:Positive and eventful period till the 15th December 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Major challenges should be avoided too. Health could be lower than usual at this time till April 2009. Thereafter you will find a sudden rise in health and status too. Level of luck will be good also during this period, i.e. till end July 2009. August 2009 till December 2009 will see a slide down and there would be some setbacks due to events that occurred between January and April 2009.Hurdles in health matters could remain till October 2009. You will find this period gainful from business.
There will be gain from partners as well as spouse. A more stable phase would operate from 20th December 2009. Career and general work environment would be vibrant now. There will be heightened activity between January and 17th May 2009. New projects and plans should be avoided. Existing areas will take off now. Travel could rise during this period. There will be changes in home environment and chances of a move after 10th September 2009. Work environment could become tougher too. Avoid rash or sudden decisions in career as there could be set backs due to this. Money matters would cause concern mostly as a steady drain on finances due to family as well as other old commitments could continue. This phase will end on 2nd November 2009 and thereafter would give way to better finances as the rest of the year progresses. Income would be average.
There will be good phases between 15th April and 4th July 2009. Losses due to speculation or extravagance could come after 6th October 2009. You should be extra careful during this time as monetary losses could be high. Investment of any sort should be avoided till October end 2009. As mentioned 6th October 2009 till end of the year is not good for speculation Blocks in investment could be felt between 27th January and 31st May 2009. You will find the year is positive between May and July 2009. Rest there would be hurdles and challenges.
2009 Gemini Love / Marriage Horoscope: 2009 would not be an easy month in love and marriage matters. There will be a rush of events which you might not be prepared for as the year opens. Subconscious could be disturbed and unreliable till October 2009 due to which decision making in love life and marriage could be unreliable. November 2009 onwards your thinking will be unstable and confusion in area of relationships could come up.
A new person could come up on the horizon which could bring confusion and distance in existing relationships. Period of caution after November 2009 overall. If unattached, the year will not hold much promise till October 2009. You will find a brief window of success in love life between June and July 2009. Blocks in social opportunity and love life in general due to ego and career pressures could come up between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009. Period between 7th March and 19th April 2009 could be particularly difficult.
You will find a new person on the horizon after 3rd November 2009 for a new relationship. 2010 would be eventful on this account mostly. Love life will be positive during January, July, August and November 2009. If in a relationship, you will find the year low on activity. There would be issues between 27th January 2009 and 31st May 2009 as blocks and hurdles could build up due to ego and pressures at work. A very trying and difficult time possible between 7th March 2009 and 18th April 2009. Improvements and commitment for a short period between May 2009 and July 2009 possible. Some new trends could crop up after 3rd November 2009.
You need to remember your priorities thereafter. If married, a tough period will operate between January and April 2009. You could find relations and rapport could suffer. Sudden conflicts and events beyond you control could put pressure on your marriage. Improvement, rise in luck and happiness could come beyond May till July 2009. A slide down and dip could come thereafter between August and December 2009. Period till 17th October 2009 could be trying. An outside in interest in marriage could build up after November 2009. Unmarried could find marriage after November 2009.
2009 Gemini Career Horoscope: Career will open with a slight drop in outlook as the year commences and a loss in position could remain till April 2009 end. May 2009 onwards progress would be felt due to higher level of luck and success from overseas sources. There will be good progress between May2009 and July 2009. Further a block in career due to competition in work as well as fall in public opinion against you possible between 27th January and 31st May 2009. In between 7th March and 18th April 2009 could be trying.
A sudden slump in position could come again after August 2009 commences. There will be issues connected with events of January to April 2009. These issues could create problem, more till 13th October 2009. Not an easy period after August 2009 till 20th December 2009. A dynamic phase would operate in career between 15th March and 24th May 2009. If in a business, the year could start on a low note. There could be an overall slowdown although gains would come due to effort and work of partners.
Luck and progress will rise after May till July 2009. Some new ideas and method of work could come up after 16th June 2009, which will change the basic work pattern. These ideas would be successful till July 2009 end but could backfire once August 2009 commences. It would be useful to remain cautious in this regard mostly. Business would be better next year. If in a job, there will be good progress, although work environment could be disturbed and your down line people could have issues between January and 17th May 2009. Anger and short tempered behavior should be guarded against up to 7th March 2009.
Progress and gains would be good from 8th March 2009 till 4th July 2009. Very good progress would be possible between 15th April and 24th May 2009. Job position however would be good till 9th September 2009 and look downwards thereafter. If working as a professional, there will be very good progress due to your hard work, dynamism and networking skills. There could be fluctuations overall till 17th May 2009 but progress will be maintained. It is a positive phase till end August 2009, with very good gains between May and July 2009. Improvement in your power of planning and better perspective of work will come after November 2009 commences. Very good results in profession would come after 20th December 2009.
Gemini January Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 13th January 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 14th January 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
Gemini February Horoscope:Low activity and energy phase till the 12th February 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 13th February 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Gemini March Horoscope:Average luck and creativity till 14th March 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Gemini April Horoscope:Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 13th April 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Gemini May Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 14th May 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 15th May 2009.
Gemini June Horoscope:Slow and difficult period till the 14th June 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 15th June 2009.
Gemini July Horoscope:Creative and high activity phase till the 15th July 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 16th July 2009.
Gemini August Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 16th August 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 17th August 2009.
Gemini September Horoscope:Positive period till the 16th September 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 17th September 2009.
Gemini October Horoscope:Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 16th October 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 17th October 2009.
Gemini November Horoscope:Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 15th November 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 16th November 2009.
Gemini December Horoscope:Positive and eventful period till the 15th December 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Horoscope year 2009 - Taurus
2009 General Taurus: 2009 would be a more productive and gainful year in comparison to 2008. You will find your luck and opportunities that would present themselves would be more vibrant and higher this year. The year would be most noticeable for some major changes in your temperament and the way you think between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. Thinking could turn more emotional, reckless and your affections/ social instincts could predominate. Socially it would be a great period; however you need to be careful of some allegations and linkups which are avoidable. After a positive period till 31st May 2009, you could experience a dip during June 2009 overall. Further you will experience a rise in the level of your interaction with people at large. There will be a significant rise in the level of contacts you make during this year till end August 2009. Activity level could be higher than normal till 17th May 2009.
You should avoid taking any major steps in career as well as domestic matters during this time. New projects are totally avoidable. Luck and progress would rise overall this year. You could find sudden and frequent travels till April 2009 and again between August and December 2009. Income would be good this year. Money matters will be much better than 2008 as accumulation of money will become possible now. Best period for monetary returns would be May 2009 to July 2009.
Gains from partners/ spouse would come after November 2009. Income would be good most of the year. You will find an exceptional rise between May and July 2009. Some erratic and volatile patterns could build up between 16th June 2009 and 12th October 2009. Investments should be handled with caution. If made conservatively, there would be good returns now. Speculation of any sort should be avoided in January 2009 and between 17th August 2009 and 6th October 2009. Long term investments are better planned after 10th September 2009. You might have some turbulent and volatile time in money/ investment matters during January, May and September 2009.
Avoid giving loans or taking financial risks after November 2009 commences. Family life would be positive mostly. There will be happiness and growth overall, more so between May and July 2009. Some issues could turn difficult and distances could crop up after November 2009 begins. Thereafter distances could come in your family as well with family of spouse, if married. Health would be fairly good this year. You need to be careful of stomach ailment after September 2009 commences, while stress and fixed attitude could create lifestyle disorders after November 2009. The year will look up tremendously after September 2009.
2009 Taurus Love / Marriage Horoscope : Love life would be high on your agenda throughout in the first half of the year. There would be a need to be in the company of the love one and regular socializing till May end 2009. Your personal temperament could be volatile and highly excitable circles. There could also be certain talks about your too close proximity with a friend or his/ her spouse. You need to be cautious between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. Socially a highly enjoyable time between February and May 2009. Sex appeal would be the highest during this time. A seriousness and sanguine temperament towards love and marriage could develop after 10th September 2009. This phase would help you to take some hard and important decisions which you might not be able to take at the beginning of the year.
Unmarried people might not find much chances of marriage this year. If unattached, the year would begin on an excellent note. You will be in control of relationship from 23rd January. Love life, social life and sex appeal would be sky high. You would be enthusiastic and charismatic in love matters. 7th March to 19th April 2009 would see a high level; of activity. Thereafter too July and October 2009 would be quite happier. A dip could be felt during June, November and December. If in a relationship, the year will turn more serious and move towards commitment after the 10th September 2009. In between relations could be quite erratic and unstable during January, May and September 2009.
A slowdown and quite period could be felt during April, May, July and November 2009. Issues could crop during January, April and October 2009 so be careful. If married, the year will be positive and happy mostly. There could be distances and a dip overall during January. February and May is a positive period followed by slowdown in June 2009. Thereafter aggression in family life would be felt during August and September. It is a year to be low profile in marital matters. Temperamental issues with spouse could crop up after 21st December 2009.
2009 Career Horoscope: Career would enter a high activity phase from the 1st January 2009 till 17th May 2009. It will make events seem tough and unsettled at times. You will feel that the level of discomfort and hurdles will rise, although it would be a powerful phase to initiate new avenues too during this period. A sudden period of high activity and growth could come up between 1st May 2009 and 31st July 2009. This period will see expansion as well as increase in monetary gains. 16th June 2009 onwards some changes and reversals are possible which could shift the line and focus of work.
Slow down and moderation of activities could come after August 2009 starts. You will find the period 14th January 2009 to till 8th March 2009 will be high on activity and growth due to dynamic work in this period. There will be another positive phase during August 2009 and November 2009. Finally 5th October 2009 onwards your status will rise in career. There will be a gradual rise in recognition from October 2009 which will go a long way in finding success for you in the next 4 to 5 years.
If in a business, this year will see pressures and some stressful times due to good sources and customers between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009. Low period will operate till 28th January 2009 which will way to high activity, growth and luck between 28th January 2009 and 24th May 2009. Be careful of losses / high expenses between 24th May 2009 and 4th July 2009. Gains from business partners will become possible after the 3rd November 2009. The year will be more favorable as you progress forward. Period beyond May 2009 would be useful. If in a job, you will see steady progress and good luck this year.
You will have a positive phase till end April 2009. Thereafter position will rise but pressures would rise too. Some uncertainty could build up after the 16th June 2009, which will continue till 13th October 2009. Avoid sudden decisions or risks. A slide in status could come after 3rd November 2009. You will however find better rapport and support of juniors after the 3rd November 2009. Temperament in job could turn over confident between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. You need to be careful. A dip in work situation could be felt during June, November and December 2009. If in a profession, the year would begin very positively. You will find better luck and overall income till end April 2009. Work outlook and attitude could be erratic and unsteady till 17th May 2009.
Some wrong decisions of January - April 2009 period could come back to haunt you between August 2009 and 20th December 2009. An overall slowdown could be felt during September 2009. You will find career will be average till 9th September 2009 and thereafter break into a positive phase till end of the year.
Taurus January Horoscope:Low activity and energy phase till the 13th January 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 14th January 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Taurus February Horoscope:Average luck and creativity till 12th February 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Taurus March Horoscope:Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 14th March 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Taurus April Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 13th April 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 14th April 2009.
Taurus May Horoscope:Slow and difficult period till the 14th May 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 15th May 2009.
Taurus June Horoscope:Creative and high activity phase till the 14th June 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 15th June 2009.
Taurus July Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 15th July 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 16th July 2009.
Taurus August Horoscope:Positive period till the 16th August 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 17th August 2009.
Taurus September Horoscope:Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 16th September 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 17th September 2009.
Taurus October Horoscope:Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 16th October 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 17th October 2009.
Taurus November Horoscope:Positive and eventful period till the 15th November 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Taurus December Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 15th December 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 16th December 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
You should avoid taking any major steps in career as well as domestic matters during this time. New projects are totally avoidable. Luck and progress would rise overall this year. You could find sudden and frequent travels till April 2009 and again between August and December 2009. Income would be good this year. Money matters will be much better than 2008 as accumulation of money will become possible now. Best period for monetary returns would be May 2009 to July 2009.
Gains from partners/ spouse would come after November 2009. Income would be good most of the year. You will find an exceptional rise between May and July 2009. Some erratic and volatile patterns could build up between 16th June 2009 and 12th October 2009. Investments should be handled with caution. If made conservatively, there would be good returns now. Speculation of any sort should be avoided in January 2009 and between 17th August 2009 and 6th October 2009. Long term investments are better planned after 10th September 2009. You might have some turbulent and volatile time in money/ investment matters during January, May and September 2009.
Avoid giving loans or taking financial risks after November 2009 commences. Family life would be positive mostly. There will be happiness and growth overall, more so between May and July 2009. Some issues could turn difficult and distances could crop up after November 2009 begins. Thereafter distances could come in your family as well with family of spouse, if married. Health would be fairly good this year. You need to be careful of stomach ailment after September 2009 commences, while stress and fixed attitude could create lifestyle disorders after November 2009. The year will look up tremendously after September 2009.
2009 Taurus Love / Marriage Horoscope : Love life would be high on your agenda throughout in the first half of the year. There would be a need to be in the company of the love one and regular socializing till May end 2009. Your personal temperament could be volatile and highly excitable circles. There could also be certain talks about your too close proximity with a friend or his/ her spouse. You need to be cautious between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. Socially a highly enjoyable time between February and May 2009. Sex appeal would be the highest during this time. A seriousness and sanguine temperament towards love and marriage could develop after 10th September 2009. This phase would help you to take some hard and important decisions which you might not be able to take at the beginning of the year.
Unmarried people might not find much chances of marriage this year. If unattached, the year would begin on an excellent note. You will be in control of relationship from 23rd January. Love life, social life and sex appeal would be sky high. You would be enthusiastic and charismatic in love matters. 7th March to 19th April 2009 would see a high level; of activity. Thereafter too July and October 2009 would be quite happier. A dip could be felt during June, November and December. If in a relationship, the year will turn more serious and move towards commitment after the 10th September 2009. In between relations could be quite erratic and unstable during January, May and September 2009.
A slowdown and quite period could be felt during April, May, July and November 2009. Issues could crop during January, April and October 2009 so be careful. If married, the year will be positive and happy mostly. There could be distances and a dip overall during January. February and May is a positive period followed by slowdown in June 2009. Thereafter aggression in family life would be felt during August and September. It is a year to be low profile in marital matters. Temperamental issues with spouse could crop up after 21st December 2009.
2009 Career Horoscope: Career would enter a high activity phase from the 1st January 2009 till 17th May 2009. It will make events seem tough and unsettled at times. You will feel that the level of discomfort and hurdles will rise, although it would be a powerful phase to initiate new avenues too during this period. A sudden period of high activity and growth could come up between 1st May 2009 and 31st July 2009. This period will see expansion as well as increase in monetary gains. 16th June 2009 onwards some changes and reversals are possible which could shift the line and focus of work.
Slow down and moderation of activities could come after August 2009 starts. You will find the period 14th January 2009 to till 8th March 2009 will be high on activity and growth due to dynamic work in this period. There will be another positive phase during August 2009 and November 2009. Finally 5th October 2009 onwards your status will rise in career. There will be a gradual rise in recognition from October 2009 which will go a long way in finding success for you in the next 4 to 5 years.
If in a business, this year will see pressures and some stressful times due to good sources and customers between 1st January 2009 and 17th May 2009. Low period will operate till 28th January 2009 which will way to high activity, growth and luck between 28th January 2009 and 24th May 2009. Be careful of losses / high expenses between 24th May 2009 and 4th July 2009. Gains from business partners will become possible after the 3rd November 2009. The year will be more favorable as you progress forward. Period beyond May 2009 would be useful. If in a job, you will see steady progress and good luck this year.
You will have a positive phase till end April 2009. Thereafter position will rise but pressures would rise too. Some uncertainty could build up after the 16th June 2009, which will continue till 13th October 2009. Avoid sudden decisions or risks. A slide in status could come after 3rd November 2009. You will however find better rapport and support of juniors after the 3rd November 2009. Temperament in job could turn over confident between 7th March 2009 and 19th April 2009. You need to be careful. A dip in work situation could be felt during June, November and December 2009. If in a profession, the year would begin very positively. You will find better luck and overall income till end April 2009. Work outlook and attitude could be erratic and unsteady till 17th May 2009.
Some wrong decisions of January - April 2009 period could come back to haunt you between August 2009 and 20th December 2009. An overall slowdown could be felt during September 2009. You will find career will be average till 9th September 2009 and thereafter break into a positive phase till end of the year.
Taurus January Horoscope:Low activity and energy phase till the 13th January 2009. Rise in religious and spiritual interest after 14th January 2009. Level of luck will rise too.
Taurus February Horoscope:Average luck and creativity till 12th February 2009. Thereafter very positive and good growth in career till end of the month.
Taurus March Horoscope:Positive month throughout. Progress in career till 14th March 2009. Higher income and gain thereafter.
Taurus April Horoscope:Positive period for money and social events till 13th April 2009. A dip in energy, rise in expenses and a slowdown from the 14th April 2009.
Taurus May Horoscope:Slow and difficult period till the 14th May 2009. Aggressive and energetic period from 15th May 2009.
Taurus June Horoscope:Creative and high activity phase till the 14th June 2009. Ego with family, in speech and increase in expenses from the 15th June 2009.
Taurus July Horoscope:Issues in family life till the 15th July 2009. Growth in career, higher status and position from the 16th July 2009.
Taurus August Horoscope:Positive period till the 16th August 2009. Domestic pressures and issues with family after the 17th August 2009.
Taurus September Horoscope:Rise in interaction with people and lower activity in family life till the 16th September 2009. Increase in ego and issues related to children after the 17th September 2009.
Taurus October Horoscope:Short tempered behavior and fall in status till the 16th October 2009. Growth in career, dynamic opportunities and overall growth after the 17th October 2009.
Taurus November Horoscope:Positive and eventful period till the 15th November 2009. Issues with spouse and in joint areas/ partnerships thereafter.
Taurus December Horoscope:Ego and opposition to your ideas till the 15th December 2009. Issues in marriage too. Beyond 16th December 2009, dip in energy and stamina. Hurdles could rise.
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